Hinduism is the sanatan dharma or the religion since the beginning - TopicsExpress


Hinduism is the sanatan dharma or the religion since the beginning of time. Vedas are its basic scriptures which are the words of god. So basically it does not have a name as it was the only religion that existed. The british gave the name Hinduism to it. So dharma in Hinduism means righteousness and not merely religion. A person who doesnt follow the vedic is adharmi. All the religions have been derived from it. It has a scientific basis for everything. Example-the big bang theory, multiverse theory, theory of relativity, speed of light, everything is mentioned. It is a broad-minded religion which shows the truth and leaves upon the individual to decide how to reach. It is both monotheistic and polytheistic at the same time... It allows the worship of both formless god and god with a form. It is because, as god is formless so can assume any form at any time... Its basic principle is to promote peace and harmony and to care for all living beings. Overall, no religion is at par with Hinduism.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:03:45 +0000

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