Hiphop world Magazine: The Osupa himself, good to have you in our - TopicsExpress


Hiphop world Magazine: The Osupa himself, good to have you in our building, are we expecting something different this year? Saheed Osupa: I have to let people know my plans for this New Year that is why am here. Hiphop world Magazine: We are yet to know it, can you let it out? Saheed Osupa: moving from Fuji to Hiphop world am about releasing a Hiphop album. Hiphop world Magazine: Wonderful! Tell us more about it. Saheed Osupa: I have like eight tracks now and am going to feature known artiste like MI, Phyno , Olamide, Some of these guys have done their recordings. Hiphop world Magazine: When are you dropping these tracks? Saheed Osupa: I already dropped one a week ago titled “Vanacula” I am dropping another by this month end. Hiphop world Magazine: With this Hip-hop dimension you are bringing in, will you still be doing Fuji music? Saheed Osupa: Yes! Fuji music is me I won’t stop doing it. Hiphop world Magazine: Why the choice of Hiphop? Saheed Osupa: I just want people to know that Saheed Osupa is a dynamic artiste and prove my versatility. Hiphop world Magazine: People see you as an artiste that doesn’t go to Hip-hop shows, most of the shows you attend are basically Fuji, should we expect this to change? Saheed Osupa: Yes, You see me everywhere now, is not that I don’t like going to out is just that am always busy, sometimes I might go to the studio and record like five albums keep them and releasing them one after the other. Last year I did like eight albums we’ve already released two tested and trusted and am going to release this month and on and on like that. And I did everything last year. Hiphop world Magazine: People were surprised to see you at the K1 live unusual concert going by the rift between you both. Can you tell us how it came to be? Saheed Osupa: I have to let people know that what is between me and K1 is not directly between me and him, it is caused by some people. U understand it’s a kind of misunderstanding. During the rift period, my mother died I invited K1 and he came, so how can someone like that invite me to anything he is doing and I will not turn up? It is not possible you reciprocate gestures. Hiphop world Magazine: Let me bring this in, you and your supposed friend Alabi Pasuma what is happening between you two? Saheed Osupa: For me I don’t have any issue with anybody again, all what has happened were bound to happen. Because if you are in the same kind of field you’re doing same thing there is bound to rivalry. Because you will be saying you are the most supreme and the other person will say he is. It depends on how each of us are taking it some take it too personal. But right now I don’t have to compete with anybody because am moving and when am moving I don’t listen to distraction. Hiphop world Magazine: Can you do a collabo with him now? Saheed Osupa: Why not, if he wants it I will do. Hiphop world Magazine: Can you initiate it? Saheed Osupa: No I can’t initiate it Hiphop world Magazine: That means there is still something going on Saheed Osupa: there is nothing, Let me tell you something, our level of singing is different one artiste is more versatile than the other, if I invite him it will be as if I have an aim and if he invite me I will do it according to how he wants it. Hiphop world Magazine: Last question, what was the inspiration behind you doing a Hip-hop album? Saheed Osupa: I have had it in mind for 12 years now, if you listen to the albums I have been doing, you will see that it is not only fuji I sing, I mixed it with hi-life and functions I am a dynamic kind of artiste. I just want to prove that I can sing not just fuji hip-hop but real hip-hop… Freestyles. Hip-hop world Magazine: Any message to your fans? Saheed Osupa: I want to thank them for standing by me and appreciating my music. Hiphop world Magazine: It is nice talking to you Saheed Osupa: Thank you
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:06:17 +0000

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