His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga commend the Chinese leader Xi - TopicsExpress


His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga commend the Chinese leader Xi Jinping, the Russian Leader Vladimir Putin and the leader of Mongolia in the formation of the Euro Asian Economic community which would couple into the one formed by the leader of Belarus, the leader of Kazakhstan and the CIS to create the most wealthiest economic community of the entirety of the Human Race…This advice was given to President Vladimir Putin in the lecture 38 of Prince Frank Ukonga published a month ago on how to create alternative independent financial and economic order to the western IMF, Breton Wood order of the imperialist West ,that are bent on re colonizing the entire world using their financial and economic order as a hegemonistic tool to blackmail and strangulate the entire world to do its bidding…at the heels of the Sanction on the Russian federation His Excellency Prince frank ukonga advice Russia , China, Mongolia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the bulk of Asia to form a new economic community addressed to maintain their status quo as Regional ,continental and world powers otherwise the West would out of commissions and omissions strangulate them and ostracize them from the schemes of world relevance in the context of polit -economic and diplomatic relevances… At the heels of the implementation of the ideas of Prince frank ukonga in the formation of the Euro Asian economic community today; it is highly impressive that the Prince is highly elated that a New World Order is in the making and soon the Prince would acquaint the new economic community with novel stratagems of forming the new world economic order that would alternate the World Bank, the IMF, WTO, GATT,UNESCO,ETC… and the United Nations… The New gift from Prince Frank UKonga to president Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China for implementing his stratagems is thus: For now it would be pertinent that at this juncture President Putin and Xi JInping should be ruminating on bringing back the League of Nations AS ALTERNATIVE TO THE United Nations organization..this is the gift from the Prince ;because you believed in him and implemented his idea of a Euro Asian economic community…the New World Economic Order would be hinged on the new world union of the League of Nation that the BRICS would be its principal leading Nations…after you form the League of Nations Organization, I would then acquaint Your Excellencies with the nutty gritty of the New World Economic Order…regards and goodluck…Pls follow my advice to the letter and you would have tremendous success as the new leaders of the 21 century mankind and perhaps inherit the leadership of the world for 1000 years as promised by Michelle de Nostradamus.. congratulations… SIGN- His Excellency Prince Frank Ukonga
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 16:59:39 +0000

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