His Nesian Girl ( Say ILoveYou) part 19 Finale Noah watched - TopicsExpress


His Nesian Girl ( Say ILoveYou) part 19 Finale Noah watched Narah as she slept peacefully. She slept like a well fed cat. Noah grinned at his thoughts and dropped a kiss on her forehead. She stirred,her eyes slowly opening. She pulled the sheet up to her chin embarrassed. Noah had to chuckle at her sudden shyness. Noah-Babe,dont act shy now when you were acting like a wild cat.... Narah covered his mouth with her hands. She was blushing profusely. Narah-people might hear you. Noah-I like that you were like that for me. Atleast I know you cant be reserved between the sheets lol. Narah-stop talking about it. Noah-I wana ask you something. Why? Noah didnt have to explain what he was asking. Narah knew he wanted to know why shed willingly give herself to him. Narah-I wanted you to feel how much I love you....before you leave. Noah sat stunned. He whispered. Noah-who told you? Narah-I heard you and Shaye talking about it that day Niva and Kai got busted. Were you going to tell me? Noah-I was trying to find the words to tell you tonight. But then I got distracted,not that Im complaining 😊. I have something for you. Noah reached over the bed for his pants. He pulled out a box and handed it to Narah. Noah-open it. Narah slowly lifted the lid to see two rings inside. Noah took the rings out. Putting one on his finger and placing the other on Narahs. Noah-This is a promise ring so you know no matter what. My love will withstand the distance. This ring is my promise to you until I am able to place the real one on your finger. Narah stared at her ring. Her vision was blurred by the tears that welled up in her eyes. Narah-I thought....you were going to break up with me. Noah-aye? Why would you think that?babe,Ill be home every chance I get and you can come visit me too. Narah clung onto Noah crying. She was overwhelmed with happiness. After that night. They were inseparable. Noah didnt want to spend a day without her by his side and felt depressed at how quick Xmas came along. His family didnt take the news of him studying abroad quite well. Ryder-Youre too young to live alone. Jay-I lived in America. Its not a place for you to go to by yourself. You will be living with my brother. Thats final. Noah-uncle Im going on stay on campus. Jay-then Ill stay with you. Shaye-Im so going to apply to... Jay-over my dead body. Dommie-you sure you wana leave your keige behind neph? Another may steal her away from you. Noah-lol I trust her. Ria-Guess we have Nye to organise a farewell. And what a farewell it was. The whole street was invited. Anyone who was anyone was welcomed. They held the party at Ryder and Alofas house because he lived on a large acre of land and his house was large enough to fit two of Noahs home inside. Many tears flowed that night. Noahs sisters clung onto him. They shared a DnM before they left for the party. He was going to miss them the most. His bestfriend Kai shed a tear aswell but promised to look out for the girls in his absence. Narah stayed for the countdown before she had to leave. She kissed Noah promising to see him at his tomorrow before he headed for the airport and left. She was acting distant the last few days but Noah figured she was only dreading their parting. The morning of Noahs departure was a sombre affair. His sisters cried from the moment they woke up and got ready. His Dad wasnt faring any better. Noah had to keep reassuring his dad hed call everyday. Hed fly home every break and promised that if he ever changed his mind and wanted to come back home, that he will. Only then did Nathaniel let him take his luggage to the car. Noah kept checking his watch and phone but still there was no word from Narah. He called her. Noah-Babe Narah-sorry babe. Im running late but Ill be there at the airport. Noah-I can wait... Narah-No babe. Dont miss your check in. Ill be there I promise. The phone disconnected. Noah frowned at his phone wondering what the hell could she be doing that was important right now. He considered stopping over at her place but he knew hell miss his check in time if they made a detour. He just hoped shell be at the airport. 5 cars followed each other on the way there. All of Noahs relatives wanted to see him off. The airport was crowded but Noah tried scanning the area for Narah. He tried to call her again but it went straight to voicemail. Noah could feel himself getting pissed off and all because Narah wasnt there. He was about ready to switch his flight for a later time when his Dad approached him that it was time. Noah scanned the crowed once more before he gave up. His dad carried his luggage while they all head to the gate for Noah to go through customs. The farewell was hard for Noah. His Aunties openly cried and his Uncles seemed to find it hard to stay composed. His left his Dad for last. They hugged for a while. His aunties capturing the moment on their phones while they wiped at their tears. Noah couldn’t hold his tears back any longer as the impact of him alone in a different country finally hit him. Nathaniel-call me the moment you land. Noah-I will. Jay-if you get into trouble. Ill be on the first plane there neph. Noah-I know you will unkz. Nathaniel-you better go in now son. Noah nodded and took his bags from his Dad. He waved one last time to his family and made his way to the gate. NOOOAH! Narah was running down the other side of the airport. Dodging people and luggage. Noah dropped his bag when she flung herself at him and crushed her close to his chest. Noah-youre bloody late babe! Narah-I know Im sorry. Noah-I need to go in now. Narah-I know. Noah-Babe. Why do you have luggage? Narah smiled. Narah-because Im coming with you. Thats what took me so long. I had to get all my stuff and school reports ready. I applied for a college near you and got accepted. Noah-youre coming? Narah-yes. Noah squeezed her tighter. He was so happy. Narah-lets take this journey together. Noah-yeah :) They turned to wave at their families again. His Dad smiling and nodding his approval. They dissapeared through the gate holding hands ready to take on their next steps together. The End
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 11:34:39 +0000

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