His Stride in Our Step (March, 2014) - Daryl Crawford-Marshall - TopicsExpress


His Stride in Our Step (March, 2014) - Daryl Crawford-Marshall There have been many fantastic words released for 2014 with the year already shaping up to be an incredible time of acceleration, increased horse-power and new opportunities for the Body of Christ. As I was praying into this month, I felt the Spirit of God lead give me to a specific encouragement for many believers at this time. In a vision, I saw plainly many open doors and many people standing at the threshold of each of these doors. I knew immediately that these doors were representative of the, much anticipated, doors of opportunity that the Lord has promised for this year. I then felt the Spirit say clearly, March is a month to march” As with many times in the Spirit, I began to see words within words, and as I looked more closely, I heard the Sprit say, “It’s time to move forward” I then looked again at the doors and people and this time saw that those who were standing at each door appeared hesitant in the crossing over of the thresholds before them. I then saw the Lord standing beside the doors leaning on the frames peering into the doors with excitement. He smiled as He said, “it’s time for new frontiers” As He spoke the word “New Frontiers, the words “New Adventures” were embedded within the words, again words within words as if coming out of His mouth simultaneously and filling the atmosphere with promise and expectancy I was reminded of the famous Star Trek slogan, ‘to boldly go where no man has gone before’, and understood from this that many of the doors led to unfamiliar territory. More specifically, that some people would have had little or no experience in the particular area or field that God was presenting to them at this time. I could now see that for many, to move ahead, would require a big bold stride in order to make it past any fear of the unknown. I then heard the Spirit say, I am putting my stride in their steps” Suddenly an image of the face of the Ox begin to swirl around and then settle on each person as they stood by their door. Each then began to shine and they received a cloak or mantle of light with words running through each garment, “Boldness”, “Vigour” and “Might”. The entire atmosphere was now completely charged with electricity and power as these word flew around the realm in which we were all standing. Lastly I saw each person take a massive step over each of the thresholds and shoot forward with great acceleration like marathon runners through each of the doors as if released under a pistol start. They increased in speed so quickly, that it became as if they were riding galloping horses. The ground shook under the speed and might of the momentum of this movement and the sound of thundering hoofs became nearly deafening. As soon as I heard and saw these things, I felt to find the definition of the word ‘stride and found the dictionary definition bellow: Stride: to walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous way.’ ‘to take a single long step, as in passing over an obstruction.’ I believe that in this is time of acceleration, opportunity and empowerment, that unexplored territories will become a common theme as believers describe the Spirits leading throughout the year ahead. We are also, assured that with the strength of the Ox will come an incredible harvest! Proverbs 14:4 Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox come abundant harvests.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 04:09:01 +0000

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