His condemnation of condoms as a way to stem the fight against - TopicsExpress


His condemnation of condoms as a way to stem the fight against AIDS causes a number of deaths difficult to estimate. It has an active policy of sabotage measures of birth control in the Third World : the consequences of this action are difficult to quantify , but can be measured in terms of famine , poverty, lack of medical care to the level of the poorest continents ( South America , Africa). In the hunt for heretics, it suspends A Divinis two German theologians who dared doubt , one of the papal infallibility , one of the immaculate conception of Mary. 1985: Liberation Theology against the Holy Office In the early 1980s , Brazilian Catholic theologians developed the concept of liberation theology : it asserts that Christianity is supposed to be an advocate for poor and oppressed, and that the church should defend the rights of man. This interpretation of the Gospels do not like , of course, the leadership of the Catholic Church , but it is more or less tolerated until one day one of these theologians , the Franciscan Father Leonardo Boff , will allow to write that the Church should also respect the rights of man. The reaction does not take place now. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ( the new name, since Vatican II , the Holy Office ) , convened in Rome Leonardo Boff . The congregation holds his trial in the same room she used when she called the Holy Office to the Inquisition. Leonardo Boff and has the privilege to sit on the same seat when sitting Galileo and Giordano Bruno were . Leonardo Boff said later he made a bow to the incoming chair , before thanking the head of the Holy Office for the honor done him by allowing him to sit on . The result is that Boff is banned from publication . It can remain a priest, but no longer has the right to publish anything . As it remains active in the Brazilian church, participating in various seminars and conferences , he was ordered to Rome to leave Brazil for choice of a monastery in the Philippines or Korea, and completely withdraw from contact with the outside. He must choose between leaving the priesthood and cloistered exile : he ultimately chooses to leave the priesthood. The story is interesting because it shows that the church and the Holy Office , continue to operate with the same hardness as in the past. If Boff has not been threatened with torture as Galileo , it is only due to the fact that the church had none possibility. It was against by the possibility to silence or to force him to leave his profession and has made full use of this opportunity. It also shows that the concept that Christianity is compatible with the rights of men, as we understand from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen , is false and formally , actively opposed by the Catholic Church . This character smiling at odd hat is Cardinal Ratzinger , President of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly Inquisition ) since 1987, responsible for many excommunications and suspensions.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 23:09:32 +0000

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