"His failure has been gradual but undeniable as he tries to cater - TopicsExpress


"His failure has been gradual but undeniable as he tries to cater to Tea Party ideology and the realities of the Hispanic voters. Now a Rasmussen poll shows his approval rating at 58%, which sounds pretty good until you realize that in May it was 68% and in February, Rubio’s popularity had him at around 73 percent. How hath the mighty fallen? Let’s take a look…" ~jp~ "Before the State Of The Union reply, Marco Rubio was the GOP’s great Latino hope. Then he went on the air… and he did okay until about 2/3 of the way in when he got really thirsty and, in this age of social media, the result was disastrous. That fumble for the water did him in, upstaging the real problem with his speech: it was patently false in content. He eventually blamed God for the gaffe. No, really. After that, his missteps began to pile up. In mid-February, he went on CBS This Morning and talked about how minimum wage laws “have never worked.” Then he tried to make light of his SOTU rebuttal gaffe by selling bottled water (for $25 a bottle!) to raise funds for his PAC: “Ha ha – see? I can laugh at myself.” But it didn’t go over very well among the Latino voters he was aiming for. He did manage to raise $100K from the GOP base, all of which went directly into his PAC. In an early March appearance on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, Rubio pandered to the Tea Party base with his “defund Obamacare” song and dance, even threatening to shut down the government if that didn’t happen. Of course, the base ate it up. But a March Quinnipiac poll testing a theoretical Marco Rubio-Hillary Clinton match-up for 2016 didn’t turn out very well for Rubio, with him losing by 15 percentage points among Hispanic voters. The shine was coming off the apple. Rubio’s antipathy toward LGBT Americans has always been known but he showed that he doesn’t understand how respect works when he whined about people calling him a bigot because of it. This would not be the last time he did so. In May, when the response to his assertion that discriminating against gays was allowable, he was careful to maintain that this didn’t make him a bigot. Um, yes. Yes it does." addictinginfo.org/2013/06/25/marco-rubios-road-to-ruin-was-paved-with-less-than-stellar-intentions/
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 01:12:26 +0000

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