His heart races to the sound of theclock ticking in the - TopicsExpress


His heart races to the sound of theclock ticking in the background. Twenty more seconds and he has this match won.All he needs to do is hold on. His opponent meets his eyes with a look ofdefeat. Thump, thump … 15 … 14 … the clock ticks down the final seconds. Thewrestler thinks of the final 40 minutes he ran to shed that extra half pound. Amatch easily won. Then he’s thrust into the air and, dumbfounded, he findshimself on the mat. The ­referee pounds his hand on the ground and he’s downfor the count in a ­moment of weakness. The defeated wrestler watches hisopponent raise his arm with the grin of a champion. Wrestling requires blood, sweat, and tears, in addition to dedication and purepassion. As many wrestlers know, the preceeding story is more than a hauntingtale: it’s a fear that fuels their drive to put more effort into becoming thebest. Many wrestlers go to extremes to become champions, and they arerecognized for their ability to drastically lose weight, known as “cutting.”Many of these pound-dropping skills aren’t just dangerous but also can befatal, which is why wrestlers should not cut weight in the first place. With 81 percent of wrestlers cutting weight, there are many unique methods toachieve the task. Some are ridiculous – myths of athletes shedding as many as20 pounds in one night have been passed around the wrestling community.Wrestlers will go days drinking only a few sips of water and eating just apiece of fruit each day. Ultimately, the calories they burn during practice willbe more than they’ve consumed in two days. Not eating for that long takes a toll on the body. Wrestlers dream of food, yetmany won’t eat for fear that they’ll exceed the limit of their weight class.Consequently, they account for three-quarters of male athletes with eatingdisorders. Eating disorders claim 300,000 lives a year. Weight cutting can leadto death. In 1997, three college wrestlers made national headlines, dying within 33 daysof each other. Coming from Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, thesededicated athletes died from the same cause: weight cutting. In all threecases, the students experienced dehydration resulting in hypothermia after theylayered on clothes and did endless workouts in heated rooms. Unfortunately,they out-worked their bodies. The perspiration they produced cooled them to thepoint of hypothermia resulting in heart attacks and kidney failure, all commoneffects of extreme weight cutting. Following these deaths, the NCAA took steps to make wrestling safer by banningcutting techniques such as training in a room hotter than 80 ­degrees,self-induced vomiting, and extensive food or fluid restrictions. Following theactions of the NCAA, even high schools have taken precautions. The NCAArequires wrestlers to take hydration tests, checks their body fat, andrestricts the amount of weight they can lose. But it’s not enough; ­unscrupulouscoaches will turn their heads, and some wrestlers will overlook the rules,risking their lives for their favorite sport. Wrestlers push themselves to the limit to make weight. These athletes seek tomake themselves the biggest competitor in the smallest weight class possible.This goal taunts wrestlers to cut more and more. ­Although rules have beenenforced, if wrestlers are going to be protected, officials need to banishweight cutting altogether. Risking so much for such short-lived glory is absurd. Cutting weight isunhealthy and can lead to serious complications. Athletes must be more aware ofthese dangers – and listen to their bodies. At Wrestle Lean and Mean we are passionate about providing excellent nutrition toathletes that allows them to reach their desired weight loss goals withoutsacrificing their health and well-being. For more information about the WrestleLean and Mean Optimal Health Program log onto: mmccoy.ichooseoptimalhealth or you can also e-mail me directly at: mike@wrestleleanandmean
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 00:19:20 +0000

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