His hit song “hein pere defies description and is a very - TopicsExpress


His hit song “hein pere defies description and is a very energetic danceable tune, a fusion of hip hop, high life and Cameroon traditional music. He sings in French, English and pidgin and is a “natural showman” according to one of his admirers. At the end of his recent tour to Cameroon, Nigerian high life musician Flavour Nabania was asked which Cameroonian musician impressed him while he was in the country and he did not hesitate in saying; “ there is one guy who really impressed me. He is called Stanley Enow and his song “Hein pere”. I watched the song on a local TV station in my hotel room. I think he is a young rapper with a very individual style, who is creating a niche for himself. He is a young man with a lot of talent and he has a great future”, Flavour told Cameroon Tribune” With just one song, Enow has shown how it is possible to revolutionalize the music industry in a country. He now has many copy cats across Cameroon. He is presently working on a studio album he has named “soldier like my papa”. Hein pere” is a single from the album. He is always carrying a Cameroonian green, red yellow flag as a mark of attachment to his fatherland. Iroko Africa caught up with Stanley Enow for a brief Chat. Francis Ngwa put the questions Q when did u start playing music? A I started playing music when I was very young in high school. That is about ten years ago. Q How will you present yourself to someone who has never met you? A My name is Stanley Enow. I’m the most sought-after rapper in Cameroon at the moment, Born in Bamenda, I attended government bilingual primary and high School Bafoussam. I later had my Bachelor’s degree from the University of Douala. All I do now is rap. Q I have listened to hein pere a couple of times. It just sounds so funny and so different. What inspired you to do that song? How many musical styles do you include in that one song? A Yeah, hein pere sounds different huh? Maybe that’s my own kind of magic. Yeah Cameroon needed new stuff and this is what I came up after a long period of research. So to spice it up, I make use of many different styles including some drama and poetry. Q Ten years from now, where will Enow Stanley be professionally? A Ten years from now, I see myself extra big. Heaven alone knows how big I will be then. Please leave your comments belowirokoheritage/2013/09/09/music-stanley-enow-the-rise-and-rise-of-bayangi-boy/
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 11:24:20 +0000

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