His name - Cyril. Callsign - Kirti. 26 years. Kyivlyanyn. Until - TopicsExpress


His name - Cyril. Callsign - Kirti. 26 years. Kyivlyanyn. Until recently - emigrant. Kirti not ashamed to say, that went out of Ukraine did not think he wants to come back. But changed his mind about his homeland - and back. We drink tea in a room on the ground floor once abandoned sports school on the outskirts of Mariupol. Now here is based of the Regiment Azov. I lived and worked in Asia, the south of Thailand - says negotiable. - Phuket. I thought I had exhausted all possibilities and resources in our country - so I started to look for yourself in the world. But we have started a revolution, by which I actively followed. On the Square always gone my mother ... At that time, I had signed a contract with one of the Asian travel agencies. Under the contract, I had to be there, at work, at least until August 2014. I kept thinking how to break that contract ... Fortunately, while in Asia, too, was a revolution. And my boss was also active opposition. I played on his patriotic feelings, Look at me there Maidan. I should be home. Tyzhden.ua: At what point you failed to return? When I canceled the contract - we have begun to events in Crimea, planned the so-called referendum. March 12 aircraft landed in Borispol. He looked at the face of the taxi drivers and think: Is that all ?! Titushky long time I just did not see our taxi drivers. The night at home, meeting with friends and the next day was already in the Right sector. Then followed training, training ... See also: Ilovaysk: facts and figures Tyzhden.ua: Why are you now in the Azov and not in Duk? I was in the Right Sector for a long time, but after the elections realized that Comandante Jarosz - perhaps a good guy ... but as Commander I have ever seen. No result of the FP or command or structure - nothing. Then even the program was not. There were only some romantic words and imagery instructions. So I realized that I have exhausted itself as a part of this organization - and went to his old friends in the Azov volunteer. I was asked to lead a training camp in the Cossack. I agreed to this proposal, in turn, invited several instructors ... Tyzhden.ua. Why lead? Do you have military education? Military Department was finishing enhanced. And just this actively engaged - Airsoft, organized various war games ... In Asia, I lived in the Army Rangers in training camps. Engaged in Thai boxing. And, frankly, was planning to go in August at the French Legion. But fate decided otherwise - and gave a chance to win their own state. Turn it up a Ukrainian. Tyzhden.ua. What would you like to change in Ukraine? What are our major challenges? Issues around. People still do not understand how to live. All again begin to cling to the old. Tyzhden.ua. There is a widespread belief that in the Azov - mostly right radicals. Is it true? At first it seemed that this is so. But, lets say, my mouth is made up of very different people. Some right, some left ... And we formed a joint outlook. It creates the atmosphere of struggle, the atmosphere of hostilities. Tyzhden.ua. What are the everyday problems? Like everyone else, we live by helping volunteers. It is not enough fuel ... that the state gives to us through Natshvardiyu reaches half stolen, half diluted with water. Due to this break and hlohne technique. Everything is beautiful on paper - Staff ATO drawing schemes and plans, then it piarytsya on television and the Internet ... See also: the inevitable war Still, there are positive signs. Frankly, Mariupol miracle not taken in September. If the separatists were confident in their abilities - they would have taken the city. Then the situation was so precarious that in addition to a couple of hundred volunteers, and hundreds of other soldiers Natshvardiyi who also seemed to be, no one else. Tyzhden.ua. This is the time when you started actively train the local population? So, then. Now there is a shift in Natshvardiyi, and Defense. Went progress began to break their system - a system that was built during the Soviet era, and then dissolved villainous capitalist Ukraine. But still need lustration. Future General Staff should be formed of young officers who really is amateur. Now it is very interesting happens. For example, in radio engineering perspective: with experts FSB and GRU competing group of young radio engineering. And so on almost all fronts. Amateurs. Volunteers. Plumbers, plumbers, skinheads, anti-fascists, workers, managers, designers against HRUshnykiv, troopers ... Tyzhden.ua. Now Mariupol frightening attack ... The situation is very tense information. They fueled psychosis, sow panic. They have huge resources to do so. Impact on public opinion. Now in spreading the idea that if there is no Ukraine soldier here - there will be problems. Like, is Ukrainian soldiers - the city fire and hail. It got to a point of absurdity ... When shots of castles DNRivskyh got position on settlement Sartana - where there was a funeral procession. As a result, many local residents were killed. The next day, once held a spontaneous rally in which we accused because it natshvardiytsi perestrilyuvalysya together. Absurd? But people believe in it. We try together with local people together to patrol the city, to outreach. But we have a little life - because, of course, ten steps behind. See also: Through the words cyborg: I do not want war changed me Now appointed the new head of the police department area - like rumors willed man. It is set up to deal with the old system or at least declare it. Well see him on business. How lyustruvatyme Mariupol cops ... Tyzhden.ua. And you generally Mariupol police? As always. Bustled between two flags. We are with them, of course, koordynuyemosya - or work in the city impossible. But most of the reality: every day at checkpoints, people come to us with their problems. Tyzhden.ua. That is, they do not go to the police? Treated. But the police say, Go to the Azov . We have always tried to plug all holes - but we can not simultaneously sit at ten chairs. Tyzhden.ua. What can you say about the general sector M? As the head of the police department recently said: The commandant will remain, and the generals are changing. Generals as always share the throne divided the kingdom. So new - I do not know whose it henchman, but also deals with redistribution of property more than a command. Read more: The last checkpoint ... It is necessary to quickly process took place specific association with the forces of the Interior Ministry - at least in the area of supply depots. We will not give it, we will not let it - these are todays reality. To convey something to each other, to do 120 market - even in times of war to get ammo. Put them discourage separatists. Tyzhden.ua. What will happen next? There are several options. One of them - a frozen conflict. Other - madness. They support the separatists and will invade. This will push us to the threshold of the Third World, but it is also possible. So far - do what you must, and any that will ... We are ready for anything. I see people who sacrifice everything just for ideas. For the sake of others. Before, I was quite disappointed in our mentality - because it moved to live in another country. But now I see the birth of a nation. I see the return of old traditions and values that I have always been close, have sung in classic literature. This will give the roots. This we shall see in the next generation of children - they are not pansies with Crew face. They do not become Sasha mriyatymut white. They mriyatymut become a battalion commander.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 16:14:09 +0000

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