His name was Jeshua Ben Josef. - TopicsExpress


His name was Jeshua Ben Josef. https://judgian12365.wordpress/2010/09/18/sol-invictus/ The first century CE Judaic name “Jeshua”, like the modern Jewish name “Joshua” was and is a Greco-Romanized derivation of the early Hebrew name for the first monotheistic god of the Torah, the Five Books of Moses, and the Old Testament of the Bible: “Jahweh”. His surname “Ben Josef” refers to his father, Joseph the Carpenter (“Ben Josef” means: “Son of Joseph”). Here is what the historical record says: Jeshua Ben Josef of Nazareth was born in March or April of the year 6 CE [AD]; during the reign of the Hebrew King Herod the Great; in the village of Bethlehem in the Roman-occupied province of Judea. The planet Jupiter appearing in the constellation of Pisces [the fish]; was the signal, to Astrologers (or, in the New Testament, “Wise Men”) from the University in Baghdad, or perhaps the Library of Alexandria in Ptolemaic Egypt; that, as their ancient scriptures for told, the Judaic “Messiah” prophesied in prehistoric ancient Hebrew scriptures had been born somewhere in the promised Holy Land of what is now Israel; and they began a Pilgrimage (either to or from the East, depending on interpretation), bearing gifts of gold, incense, and ointment for the newly born “King”, a descendant of the royal blood line of David and Solomon. Baptized in the River Jordan by a Priest named John, Jeshua Ben Josef wandered in the wilderness for several months, becoming an iconoclastic Jewish Rabbi, preacher, and “Medicine Man” (Exorcist). He recruited assistant preachers (“disciples”) from John’s followers, including his wife, a well-to-do woman of the Tribe of Benjamin, named Mary Magdalene. Turned in by the political authorities at the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, A Hebrew-Judaic priest and rabbi, He was arrested, tried, and convicted of subversion and sedition by the occupying Romans, and the regional Provincial governor, Pontius Pilate; and was executed on Passover, by Crucifixion (a fairly common practice by the Romans amongst the Empire] along with alongside thieves, murderers, rapists and other common criminals, on the hill of Gol Gotham outside the City of Jerusalem in December of the year 36 CE; his body cut down early on Friday (executions on the Jewish Sabbath are prohibited to this day), and was interred and buried three days later in a cave somewhere in what is now Israel. Jeshua has been dead for 1,974 years now and counting. Jesus is as dead today as he was on the December morning in 36 CE when he was executed. Jesus has been dead for two millennia, and , failing some bizarre form of living dead zombie invasion rising from their graves, will hopefully remain dead for the even remotely foreseeable future. The Mythology of Jeshua Ben Josef of Nazareth is ,as a matter of actual facts, an amalgamation of the myths of the Solar deities of the Classical Civilizations of the Ancient World: Attis of Phrygia (Greece, ~1200 BCE), Dionysus (Greece, ~500 BCE), Horus (Egypt, ~3,000 BCE), and Mithra (Persia, ~1200 BCE); The actual man named Jeshua Ben Josef of Nazareth; an Iconoclastic Hebrew Jewish Priest, Rabbi, and “Medicine Man” [Read: Exorcist] born in the town of Bethlehem in the Roman-Empire-occupied province of Judea, (in what is now Israel), in the Spring [March or April] of the Year 6 CE; never even once claimed himself to be anything more or less than what he was, and most certainly never proclaimed himself to be the “Only Begotten Son” of Jehovah, the Prehistoric Monotheistic God of the Ancient Hebrews. When the Mythology of Jeshua Ben Josef of Nazareth, as is the case with all mythologies surrounding solar deities of the Ancient world’s classical Civilizations, states that he was the “Son of God”; this is, as a matter of actual facts, most likely merely nothing more than a relatively simple mistranslation; what it really actually means is “God of the Sun” or “Sun God” (Horus of Egypt and Mithras of Persia were, both of them, their respective Civilization’s Gods of the Sun). One of the alternative nicknames for Jeshua Ben Josef of Nazareth, as granted in the mythology of the Christian New Testament Apostolic Gospels, is “The Light of the World”. Son of God— Mithras/Helios/Horus, god of the sun. Born in 6 CE— beginning of the Age of Pisces. Born on December 25— Sun Rises after winter Equinox. Born to a virgin mother— Constellation Virgo–Also known as the “house of bread” = Hebrew translates “Bethlehem”. Star in the east— Syrius of Canis Major, Brightest Star in the Northern Hemisphere sky. Adoration of Three Magi— Three bright stars in the Belt of Orion, called “Three Kings”. Began teaching at age 12; 12 Disciples— 12 constellations of the Zodiac. Fed the masses with bread (See: Bethlehem) and Two Fish— Twin fish, symbol of the constellation sign of Pisces, the fish. Betrayed by Judas— Setesh, Egyptian god of Darkness. Executed on a Cross— constellation Crux Australis: “Southern Cross”; Cross of the Zodiac: Four Seasons. Resurrected after 3 days— time between Winter Equinox and rising of the sun. Will come again— sun rises every morning. Return at the “ending of the aeon”— 2000 CE end of Age of Pisces, beginning of the age of Aquarius; will be heralded by the entrance of man bearing pitcher of water— water-bearer, symbol of the constellation sign of Pisces. According to the New Testament, Jeshua is said to allegedly told his 13 disciples that he would “be with them even unto the ending of the Aeon.” (In the King James Bible version, the word is mistranslated to say the “end of the world”). The word Aeon means “Age”. Jeshua was born in March or April of the Year 6 CE (the Hebrew word “Bethlehem” literally translates as “House of Bread”, the name for the Constellation of Virgo the Virgin). The Astrological Age of Pisces, the fish, began in the year 4 CE. At the beginning of his ministry at the age of 30, Jeshua is said to have met two fishermen, who became followers of his (the anthropomorphic symbol of the Constellation of Pisces is the figure of two fish) he was later followed around by 13 disciples (there are 13 signs in the Zodiac, from the precession of which the Astrological order of the Ages is derived) and supposedly one among Jeshua’s performed miracles was to feed a multitude with bread and two fish. According to the New Testament, Jeshua told his disciples that the ending of the age would be heralded by “a man bearing a pitcher of water”. The Anthropomorphic symbol for the Constellation of Aquarius, whose astrological age direct follows after that of Pisces, is the figure of a man pouring out container of water). So Jeshua was correct, in that the symbol of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the so-called “Jesus Fish” was, indeed, with us right up until the ending of the Age of Pisces. The Astrological Age of Pisces, the fish, symbol of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, came to an end with the turning of the Twentieth Century. The Astrological Age of Aquarius began in the year 2001 CE, or around about approximately a decade or so ago, heralded by the figure of a man bearing a container of water. If Jeshua was ever to come back to us, don’t you think it would have been reasonable to expect that it would have been at the time that he said that he would? That is, “at the end of the Age” which was the ending of the 19th Century, well over a hundred years ago. The Holiday that modern contemporary Christians Celebrate today as “Christmas” [the 25th of December] (which some Christians erroneously and entirely arbitrarily associate with the Birth of Jeshua Ben Josef of Nazareth in the year 0 CE, which historically occurred in the Spring [March or April,] of the year 6 CE) is, in fact the Ancient Roman Festival of Saturnalia, during which the Romans would hang evergreen boughs in their homes, and give one another wrapped gifts. Saturnalia was a celebration, following the winter Solstice on December 21st, of the Roman’s own version of the Greek Sun God Helios, or Apollo, which they called “Sol Invictus” or “The Unconquerable Sun”. The early Christians merely assimilated the Roman Solar Festival into their cult’s practices, recognizing that in many of the classical civilizations of the ancient world, such as in ancient Egypt, the Solar deities were the most predominant of all the pantheon of pagan gods and goddesses, and in many cases (Such as the first-ever recorded monotheistic One god, Amun-Ra of Ancient Egypt (Circa 4,000 BCE [or 6,00 years ago, around about the time of the construction of the Great Pyramids of Giza]) Solar Deities were the chief gods worshipped, the kings of the ancient civilizations’ pantheon. The first Christian cult wanted nothing more than to make their particular solar Demigod, whom they called “Jesus Christ” (“Jesus” is just an Anglicized variation on the man’s real name “Jeshua” which, like the Jewish name “Joshua” was itself a derivation of the Ancient Hebrew name for their first Monotheistic god: “Jahweh”; Khristos, meaning “the Anointed One”, is a Greek translation of the Hebrew word Masiah: “anointed”), the chief deity of the whole of the Classical Ancient Mediterranean known world. They did this, quite successfully throughout the first millennium CE, by assimilating the mythologies surrounding a various and myriad variety of ancient and prehistoric cultures into their own mythos, following closely in the footsteps of their progenitors, the Prehistoric Ancient Hebrews, who copied, very nearly word-for-word verbatim, the various creation mythologies and epic legends of the Ancient Mesopotamian Sumerians and Babylonians. Ever wonder where we get the image of God (Jahweh or Jehovah) as an elderly long-white-bearded man living in the clouds? Ever seen any images of the The King of the Greek Olympian Pantheon, Zeus (Jupiter to the Romans)? Horus (Egypt, ~3,000 BCE) was Born on December 25th of the Virgin Isis. His Birth was accompanied by a Star in the East, which Three Kings followed to locate and adorn the newborn Savior. At the Age of 12, he was prodigal child teacher, and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup the Baptiser and thus began his ministry. Horus had 12 Disciples he traveled about with, performing Miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water. Horus was known by many gestural names such as “the Truth”, “the Light”, “God’s anointed Sun”, “The good Shepherd”, “the lamb of God” and many others. After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was Crucified, buried for 3 Days, and thus Resurrected. Attis of Phrygia (Greece, ~1200 BCE) was born of the Virgin Nana on December 25, Crucified, placed in a tomb and after 3 Days was Resurrected. Krishna (India, ~900 BCE) was born of the Virgin Devaki with a Star in the East signalling his coming. He performed Miracles with his Disciples and, upon his death, was Resurrected. Dionysus (Greece, ~500 BCE) was born of a Virgin on December 25th, was a traveling teacher who performed Miracles such as tuning water into wine. He was refered to as “the king of kings”, “Gods’ only begotten Son”, “The Alpha and the Omega” and many others, and, upon his death, was Resurrected. Mithra (Persia, ~1200 BCE) was born of a Virgin on December 25th. He had 12 Disciples and performed Miracles, and, upon his death, was buried for 3 Days and thus Resurrected. He was also referred to as “the Truth”, “the Light” and many others. Because both Horus of egypt and Mithras of Persia were both supposedly, according their respective mythologies, allegedly born on the 25th of December, to virgin mothers, the first Early Christians invented the legend/myth we now refer to as the “Nativity”. The glaring and blatant inconsistencies and contradictions in the Myth of the birth of the “Christ” or “Messiah” (such as its telling of Shepherds grazing their flocks of sheep, ostensibly in the depth of the middle of the winter) are due in no small part to details of the actual real historical birth of Jesua Ben Josef of Nazareth bleeding through the layers of dogmatic doctrine and into the Mythology (the Magi, or “Wise Men”, Astrologers and Alchemists from the University of Baghdad or the Library of Alexandria, who visited the young Jeshua Ben Josef, are referred to in the legend as the “Three Kings”, when no account exist of their being three of them). The early childhood life story of the Christian Solar Demigod, and his Virgin Mother Mary, is copied, once more again very nearly word for word verbatim, from the life story of the Ancient Egyptian Sun God Horus on his Mother-goddess Isis, including, but by no means limited to, the Solar deity’s climactic duel with his arch-nemesis, the God of Darkness, Setesh, or Seth [Also called “Setan” or the “Beast” with horns and a forked tail]. Like Ishtar, the Canannite wife of the Hebrew god Jahweh, Isis, too, was also the Goddess of Fertility and Maternity. Isis was the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Motherhood and Fertility, dating from 2,686 BCE. The name of Isis, meaning “Throne” is the Greek version of the name “ist” (pronounced “Usat”) meaning “She of the Throne” of Aset, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Motherhood, Magic and Fertility, dating back to the Fifth Dynasty [Dynasty V] (2,494 to 2,345 BCE) of the Old Kingdom (2,686 to 2,181 BCE) of Ancient Egypt. Interestingly, many Egyptologists, as well as “Holy Land” historian scholars have drawn strikingly distinct parallels between Isis, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Motherhood, and the Canaanite Fertility Goddess Ishtar, who in the earliest Ancient Hebrew Manuscripts, is frequently and often referred to by the invading Israelites, after their war of conquering and conquest over what is now Israel and Lebanon, as the wife or spouse of their Father-God, Jahweh. Interestingly, the name for the Ancient Egyptian Sun God, Horus (pronounced “Haru”, meaning “Falcon”, from the Greek “Horos”) (one of the oldest deities in the Ancient Egyptian Religion, god of the Sky (“Harmerty” [“Hor Merti”]: “Horus of the Two Eyes”) and of War) is actually pronounced “Har-Si-Ese”, which literally means “Horus, Son of Isis”. Isis was impregnated by divine fire. Once Isis knew she was pregnant with Horus, she fled into fled to Khemmis, thought to be located in the Nile Delta Marshlands, to hide from her brother Set, or “Setesh” (pronounced “Seth”; also known as “Setan”, or the “Typhon Beast”, a composite of aardvark, donkey and jackal with a canine body and the head of an ass with a curved snout, large flat-topped horns and a forked tail; the god of Darkness, Storms, and Chaos), who she knew would want to kill their son. There, Isis is said to haven given birth to a divine son, Horus. Many dangers face Horus after birth, and Isis fled with the newborn to escape the wrath of Set. Isis protected and raised Horus until he was old enough to face Set. Horus was told by his mother to protect the people of Egypt from Seth (god of the desert). Horus was on the verge of killing Seth, but his mother stopped him. Isis injured Horus, but eventually healed him from a lethal scorpion sting. Representing the concept of Salvation is a deity, commonly referred to as “Savior”, identified with “Heru-pa-kehered” (“Horus the Child”), and can be depicted as a young Prince overcoming snakes, lions and crocodiles (the inspiration for Saint George and the Dragon); first recorded during the “Amarna Period” (1353 to 13336 BCE) of the “Thutmosid” Eighteenth Dynasty [Dynasty XVIII] (circa ~1550 to circa ~1292 BCE) of Ancient Egypt. The worship of Horus dates back at least to the Predynastic Period of Ancient Egypt. Just as the New Testament of the Bible relates the life story of Khristos [“anointed”] the Mashiach[“the anointed one”]; so to do the Harivamsha (“the Lineage of Hari), Vishnu Purana and Bhagavata Purana (Srimad Bhagavatam) tell likewise about Bala Krishna (“Divine Child Krishna”), the Bhagavan (“the Divine One”), who is credited, as young prince giving direction and guidance, as being the author, or “teacher”, of the Bhagavad Gita [“Son of God”]; accumulated, composed and redacted in the 5th century BCE. Krishna was born of the Virgin Devaki with a star in the east signaling his coming. He performed miracles with his disciples, and, upon his death, was resurrected. In addition to being the Supreme Being (“Svayam Bhagavan”) Himself, Krishna is worshipped as the Avatar (“Dashvatara”; Sanskrit, literally: “descent” [from heaven (Svarga) to earth (Prithivi Tattwa: “Mother Earth”], also translated into English: “incarnation”, “appearance”, or “manifestation”) of the Supreme God (Parameshwara) Vishnu. Vishnu is described in the Bhagavad Gita as having a Vishvarupa (“Universal Form”), which is beyond the ordinary limits of human perception or imagination. Krishna is also worshiped as ParaBrahman, a manifestation of Brahman (“absolute”, “deity”, “divinity”), the personal and impersonal “Divine Ground” of Hiranyagarbha Sukta (“universal germ”) the source of the creation of the Universe, identified as Visvakarma (“all-creator”; Lord of Creation); the principle universal architect who fabricated and designed the divine architecture of the Universe; the Prajapati (“Lord of Creatures”). This “primordial being” is referred to as “golden womb” and “golden egg” in the Nasadiya Sukta (“Not the Nonexistent”) in the Parusha Sukta [Dedicated to the Purusha: “Cosmic being”] of the Rigveda (“Praise Verse”) from the early Iron Age (1700-1100 BCE), and so predates all monotheism. The Rigveda (Rgveda; compound of Rc: “Praise” or “Verse” and Veda: “Knowledge”), composed in the Northwestern region of the Indian Subcontinent in the early Vedic Period (1500-500 BCE), is one of the oldest extant texts in any Indo-European language. Krishna is identified as a historical individual who participated in the events of the Mahabharata, or Moksasastra (“Scripture of Liberation); of which the Bhagavad Gita is a part, and from which the Bhagavad Gita, a Smriti (“that which is remembered”) Sruti (“revealed text”) is drawn. Another character in the Mahabharata is Krishna Dvaipayana, the author of the Bhagavata Purana, known as Veda Vyasa (“the one who compiled the Vedas”), considered to be the scribe of the Vedas and the Puranas, as well as the author of the Mahabharata, itself derived from the Brahma Purana of the Padma Purana. Just as Jesus was named “Jeshua Ben Josef” [Jesus, Son of Joseph], Krishna is known as “Krishna-Vasudeva” (Krishna, Son of Vasudeva [Harivana Puran Vasudeva, Son of Shoorsen of the Yadu and Vrishni dynasties.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 04:37:21 +0000

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