Histeam March Newsletter In the mighty name of Jesus we wish you - TopicsExpress


Histeam March Newsletter In the mighty name of Jesus we wish you all well and blessed. Yesterday for the 1st time Histeam went to visit death row in Kampala. We have been to many prisons here, but were never able to get into death row before. I have always had a desire to go and when Mary Smith a friend of ours asked if I would go, I gladly accepted. The rain poured through the night and made us late so we had little time with the condemned. The facility is large, about 80 acres and contains over 4,000 prisoners. The 1st gate opens into the acreage; the 2nd into a high walled area of about 2 acres which keeps the 4,000 prisoners this includes death row. The very 1st thing that I felt was the enemy and his domain. We were warned that to go into this prison area was taking our lives into our own hands. But, thank the LORD greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. When you are called the LORD is your protector and there is no place for fear. At 1st I felt the hopelessness in this area and why bother for they were all murderers and rapist and slave traders and so on. But the spirit changed as we started to praise God and words were given to us by Jesus. Yes, hope even on death row, for God loves all of us and salvation is for all. I have changed because of this experience as I have found that my God is bigger than I had made him. The Lord talked to these men and some of them listened as the hardness was broken all around from our testimonies. Our testimonies are strong and they can break the hardest ground and set men free. We are all on death row, all, until we find Jesus. It makes no difference to Jesus if it is these hard men or us, for we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I am asking point blank today to please give from your blessings that God has given you in America. There is such a need here so much to do. Yes God is blessing Uganda and they have a mighty President because he is following Jesus, halleluyah. I believe from your many blessings in America you could truly help reach the people in this country to know Jesus. The devil and witchcraft would be found out for what he really is the father of lies. Yes, with your help Histeam believes that through us many would know Christ and be saved. I believe that your prayers do a mighty work but remember faith with works is alive! Also, we had a mighty storm yesterday that took out 5 large trees in our side and back yard but Praise God His hand was on our lives and property. The trees just missed people and vehicles parked around our home. The narrow escape was obvious only He protected us! halleluyah. Two tips of the corners of our house were smashed but no leakage. Praise God the rains came in like a blast from hell after 2 months of no water but all is very well. We are going out on faith this Saturday to the Jinja area we will knock on the doors of prisons there. We believe that God wants us to begin there and Histeam will be received to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will give the prisoners soap to begin with this time. We are so grateful for a van to move in but again to get Histeam moving will take blessings and prayer (James 5:16) from you in America. This letter is sent in good health and a sound mind in Christ and Histeam also speaks blessings on you all, Histeam loves and appreciates you all, Larry, Sally, Judith, Mark, Benard and Benjamin Donations are most important now, please send them to Histeam 11806 29th St. NE Lk Stevens, Wa. 98258 Histeam webpage will be improving soon (videos of all of us) histeamuganda
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 08:53:18 +0000

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