Historical Events of Hyderabad This page will show you all the - TopicsExpress


Historical Events of Hyderabad This page will show you all the historical events which took place since 1591. Dates Year Events - 1591 Charminar is built by Muhammed Quli Qutb Shah and a new city founded on the south bank of River Musi. - 1687 Golconda is captured by Aurangzeb. End of Qutb Shahi rule and beginning of Mughal rule in the Deccan. - 1713 Nizam-ul-Mulk is appointed Subedar of six subas (provinces) of the Deccan and Faujdar of Karnataka. 11 Oct 1724 Nizam-ul-Mulk defeats Mubarez Khan in the battle of Shakar Kheda in Berar and establishes his supremacy in the Deccan. 25 Jun 1725 Emperor Muhammed Shah confers the title of Asaf Jah on Nizam-ul-Mulk. - 1732 Nawab Mir Ahmed Ali Khan, Nasir Jung is married to the daughter of Roshan-ud-Daula Zafar Jung. - 1734 Nizam Ali Khan is born. - 1738 Nadir Shah invades India and Nizam-ul-Mulk plays a key role is restoring peace. 22 May 1748 Nizam-ul-Mulk dies at the age of 77 and is buried at Khuldabad near Aurangabad. 25 Dec 1750 Nasir Jung is shot dead by Himayat Khan, the Pathan Nawab of Kurnool. - 1750 Chow Mahalla palace is built by Salabat Jung. 03 Feb 1751 Muzaffar Jung is killed in a fight with his Pathan dependants and Bussy proclaims the third son of Nizam-ul-Mulk Salabat Jung as the Subedar of the Deccan. 03 Feb 1751 Salabat Jung is installed as Subedar of the Deccan. Dec 1753 The French are assigned the four districts of Mustafanagar.Rajamundri, Ellur, and Chicacole (Srikakulam) - 1756 The French are driven out of the Northern Circars by the British force after the outbreak of war between England and France. - 1759 Salabat Jung concludes a treaty with the British for the grant of Masulipatnam and other districts. French influence comes to an end. 08 Jul 1762 Nizam Ali Khan assumes the Subedari of the Deccan. 07 Sep 1763 Salabat Jung dies - 1763 The capital of Deccan is shifted from Aurangabad to Hyderabad during the reign of Nizam Ali Khan, Asaf Jah II. April 1779 The first representative of the British, John Holland, is sent to Hyderabad to act as an envoy and later as a Resident. 25 Mar 1798 The French general Michael Joachim Raymond dies and is buried at Saroornagar. - 1798 The Nizam was compelled by the treaty of 1798 to join the British against Tipu Sultan during the Fourth Mysore war. The treaty establishes British influence in Hyderabad. 06 Aug 1803 Nizam Ali Khan Asaf Jah II dies. 11 Aug 1803 Sikander Jah, Asaf Jah III, succeeds as the Subedar of the Deccan. 09 May 1804 Arastu Jah dies after serving Hyderabad for almost three decades as Minister. 25 Jul 1804 The construction of Mir Alam Tank begins and is completed on 8th June, 1806. It is built under the supervision of H.Russell of Royal Engineers, Madras Regiment. - 1804 The construction of Mir Alam Tank begins and is completed on 8th June, 1806. It is built under the supervision of H.Russell of Royal Engineers, Madras Regiment. - 1806 Secunderabad is named after Sikander Jah Asaf Jah III when Col. Lang establishes the headquarters of British Subsidiary Force after the treaty of 1798. It was one of the largest British cantonments in India. - 1808 Construction of the Residency is completed. - 1812 Raja Chandulal along with Henry Russell establishes a contingent known as the Russell Brigade later known as Hyderabad Contingent. 21 May 1829 Sikander Jah dies. 23 May 1829 Nasir-ud-Daula succeeds as Subedar of the Deccan. - 1846 Hyderabad Medical School is established with Dr. William Maclean as its first principal. - 1853 Berar treaty is signed by the Nizam giving the management of Berar districts to the British with an annual revenue of Rs. 50 lakh. Mar 1854 Foundation of Dar-ul-Uloom by Sir Salar Jung I, with facilities for teaching in Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Telugu, Marathi and English. 16 May 1856 Department of Mint and Stamps is established with Major Henry Rocke as the Mint Master. - 1857 Nasir-ud-Daula Asaf Jah III dies. 18 May 1857 Afzal-ud-Daula succeeds his father as Subedar of the Deccan. - 1858 A new coinage called “Hali Sicca†is introduced with the inscription “Sicca-e-Nizamul-Mulk Asaf Jah Bahadurâ€. Consequently, the coins in the name of Mughal Emperor cease to be used in Hyderabad. - 1858 Army Department was established and Henry Rocke is made first commander-in-chief of the Nizam’s army from 1864 to 1874. 31 Aug 1861 The “Order of Star of India†is conferred on Afzal-ud-Duala, Nizam V. - 1867 Government Central Printing Press is established. 6 Jan 1867 Forest Department is established with Byramji Manoji as its first Inspector General. - 1868 Bashir Bagh Palace is constructed by Sir Asman Jah. 6 Mar 1869 Mir Mahboob Ali Khan is proclaimed the Nizam, Asaf Jah VI when he was hardly two years seven months old. 26 Feb 1869 First adhesive postage stamp is issued in Hyderabad - 1869 Nizam State Railway is established. 12 Dec 1872 For public information of time, Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad organizes cannon fire at 4.30 a.m, 12 noon and at 8 p.m. 8 Oct 1874 Nizam Railway is completed and opened to traffic. - 1874 Department of Government Gardens is established with G.Cornish as its first head. Nov 1876 “SATI†or burning of Hindu widows is prohibited in the State and in this connection posters are printed. Nov 1876 “SATI†or burning of Hindu widows is prohibited in the State and in this connection posters are printed. - 1876 Foundation of Chaderghat High School. - 1877-78 Foundation of Madrasa-e-Aliya at Rambold’s Kothi at Chaderghat by Salar Jung I. - 1879 Horse Racing starts at Malakpet. - 1880 Postal Department is established with Shah Sawar Jung as its chief. 8 Feb 1883 Mir Turab Ali Khan Salar Jung I dies. - 1884 Foundation of Falaknuma Palace is laid on 3rd March, 1884 by Sir Viqar-ul-Umara. Construction completed in 1893. - 1884 Official language of the State is changed from Persian to Urdu. - 1884 Directorate General of Police and Jail Department is established. 4 Jun 1889 Mir Yousuf Ali Khan, Salar Jung III is born in Poona. 4 Dec 1889 Clocks are fixed on the four sides of the Charminar. - 1890 Palmoor is named after Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Nizam VI as Mahboobnagar. - 1890 Asafia Library is established. - 1892 Lord and Lady Lansdowne visit Hyderabad. Jan 1893 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria visits Hyderabad. - 1892 Dairat-ul-Maarif is founded - 1893 The Nizam announces constitutional reforms through an order called Qaniunche-I-Mubarak. 4 Nov 1895 Syed Hussain Bilgrami (Imad-ul-Mulk) appointed as a tutor to Mir Osman Ali Khan (Nizam VII). 15 Nov 1895 Lord and Lady Elgin visit Hyderabad. 20 Aug 1897 Sir Ronald Ross discovers the parasite of malaria in a dissected Anopheles mosquito at Begumpet. - 1899 Nizam VI along with Mir Osman Ali Khan visits Calcutta. - 1902 Lord and Lady Curzon visit Hyderabad. 25 Dec 1905 Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Nizam VI lays the foundation stone of Town Hall in Public Gardens on his 40th Birthday (now Legislative Assembly building) Construction completed in 1913. 14 Feb 1905 The Victoria Memorial Orphanage is established. 16 Apr 1906 The wedding of Nizam VII is celebrated at Eden Garden. - 1907 The Mahboobia Girls School is founded. 22 Feb 1907 Mir Himayat Ali Khan (Azam Jah) is born. 2 Jan 1908 Mir Shujat Ali Khan (Moazzam Jah) is born. 28 Sep 1908 Hyderabad witnesses disastrous floods in the River Musi. - 1908 The Nizamia Observatory is established. - 1910 Hyderabad Electricity Department is established and R.L.Gamlen is appointed its first chief. 29 Aug 1911 Mir Mahboob Ali Khan Nizam VI dies. 29 Aug 1911 Mir Osman Ali Khan is proclaimed as Nizam VII but formal darbar is held on 12th September 1911. - 1913 Department of Agriculture (Ziraat) is established with John Henry as its head. - 1914 Archaeological Department is established. 15 Sep 1915 Construction of High Court begins and is completed on 31st March, 1919. - 1917 Osmania University is established. 6 Sep 1917 Bureau of Translation and Compilation is established with Abdul Haq as its head. - 1917-18 First Matriculation examination of Osmania University is held. 7 Nov 1919 Nizam VII introduces new constitution of the Government with an Executive Council. - 1920 The construction of Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar is completed in 1920 and 1927 respectively. - 1921 The Judiciary is separated from the Executive. 25 Jan 1922 Prince of Wales visits Hyderabad with Lord Louis Mountbatten as one of his A.D.Cs. - 1923 Nizam VII celebrates the two hundredth anniversary of established of the Asaf Jahi Dynasty. - 1923 Jagirdars College is established (Later converted into Hyderabad Public School). - 1924 Nizam Sagar Project is started and completed in 1931. 28 Sep 1925 Nawab Imad-ul-Mulk receives the first honorary degree of LL.D. from Osmania University. - 1926 Osmania Medical College is opened. - 1926 The first B.A. examination of the Osmania University is held. - 1928 District Water Works department is established with Md. Ahmed Mirza as its chief. - 1929 Industrial Trust Fund is created with Rs. 1 crore to promote local industries. 12 Nov 1931 Azam Jah and Moazzam Jah are married at Nice (France) to Princess Durru Shehwar, daughter of ex. Sultan Abdul Majeed Khan, Caliph of Muslims and Princess Niloufer (niece of ex. Sultan) respectively. - 1931 Osmania University Building project is started with Zain Yar Jung as its chief architect. 06 Oct 1933 Mir Barkat Ali Khan (Mukarram Jah) is born (grandson of the Seventh Nizam) 14 Jun 1934 British Government restores to the Nizam a part of Hyderabad city, which for a century was known as Residency Bazar (now known as Sultan Bazar). July 1934 Laying of the foundation-stone of Osmania University buildings at Adikmet by His Exalted Highness the Nizam VII. - 1935 Construction of Moazzam Jahi Market is completed. - 1935 Broadcasting Department is established under Nawab Ali Yawar Jung. - 1935 The Nizam donates Rs. 10 lakh to the Aligarh Muslim University. - 1936 Hyderabad State Aero Club, Begumpet is established. - 1936 Prince Azam Jah is given the title of Prince of Berar and a grand function is held at Chow Mahalla. 13 Feb 1937 Nizam VII celebrates twenty-five years of his reign (Silver Jubilee) 06 Dec 1945 Nizam VII issues a victory commemorative stamp to celebrate the victory of the allies. 04 Aug 1947 Charles Gordon Herbert, last British Resident, leaves Hyderabad. 29 Nov 1947 Standstill Agreement signed with the Government of India. 13 Sep 1948 The Indian Army begins “Police Action†against Hyderabad. 17 Sep 1948 The State Ministry resigns. 17 Sep 1948 End of the Asaf Jahi era and imposition of military rule, followed by merger of Hyderabad into the Indian union. 02 Mar 1949 Mir Yousuf Ali Khan, Salar Jung III, dies at Bachelor. 26 Jan 1950 Mir Osman Ali Khan VII is made the Rajpramukh of Hyderabad State and remains so upto October, 1956. 17 Feb 1953 Clocks presented by His Exalted Highness the Nizam VII in commemoration of his visit to the cathedral at Midnight mass on Christmas Eve 1952 – All Saints Church. 24 Feb 1967 Mir Osman Ali Khan, Nizam VII, dies. - 1976 Birla Mandir is constructed by the Birla Trust adjacent to Naubat Pahad. Courtesy: Hyderabad 400 Years
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 06:12:05 +0000

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