Historical thought: A long time ago my great auntie taught me - TopicsExpress


Historical thought: A long time ago my great auntie taught me how to make biscuits. My father taught me how to make bread. My grandfather showed me jiff mix corn bread, so in a sense he taught me how to make corn bread. Today I wanted to make bread. Simple enough I know it takes in basic, water yeast and flour. This will make tasteless bread, you can add oil and eggs this will make tasteful bread, add butter this makes cake... add sugar minus or add butter this makes cake and sweet bread. I then realized if i move to a farm self sustainably how do i make yeast? you need yeast... Wtf is yeast lol... I went into research mode, and found out the Egyptians; in a error i would assume, left out some sour dough bread, which is the only kinda bread for thousands of years, and I mean before christ thousands of years. Anyway he discovered that the rotting bread started to flow up and rise on it own, the mold growing in the bread wasnt the same as normal green mold. You guessed it, this Egyptian grew yeast. This made bread light and flowy and filled with air pockets which is why you have your bread today. ...... Then i learned the history of baking powder which revolutionized baking forever. ----------------------------- Back to my story my Aunt told me that she was raised poor in Nc and coming up it wasnt like today where you had roman noodles and fast cook cheap foods. She told me that basically you had flour and corn meal. Maybe some meats, chickens (eggs) and some times a goat or cow (milk). From that you had to make due. Lots of bread and biscuits and cakes and pies, because berries and fruits grew freely. This is also why your grandmother and great aunts and uncles always had things like biscuits and gravy pies and cakes. Cause it was cheap shit they could make from their 50 pound bag of flour. Now if you think of it today, Donuts 5 dollars for one, for 50cents worth of ingredients at MAX Bread 1.50-8 dollars depending Cake 6-1000 dollars depending Biscuits 2-5 bucks. We pay for things we used to make for free in poverty. Funny how times change! https://youtube/watch?v=DYTuNXq1eBk
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:30:16 +0000

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