Historically Orunmila was a Philosopher, A Babalawo- considered - TopicsExpress


Historically Orunmila was a Philosopher, A Babalawo- considered the first Babalawo, He initiated many but we dont know who initiated him. First known in the town Oke-Igeti, within the City of Ile-Ife. He moved to Ado(A town in Ekiti known as Ulesun during that time) through the lands now known as Usi. it was at Ado He began his works with the Ifa oracle (hence the saying Ado ni ile Ifa Ado is the home of Ifa). He went back to Oke-Igeti but the people rejected his works, he left and traveled throughout Ile-Ife suffering rejection until he got to Oketase. when He arrived in the town, the people welcomed him with music and many more entertainment. Orunmila decided to settle permanently in Oketase, and eventually became the chief of Oketase. Orunmila had 8 children who were town leaders of their own. An issue occured with his youngest son who disrespected Orunmila saying he was a chief like him and were equals.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 18:13:59 +0000

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