History & Haunting of : Borgvattnets prästgård,Sweden The - TopicsExpress


History & Haunting of : Borgvattnets prästgård,Sweden The rectory of the small village of Borgvattnet in Jämtland, northern Sweden, where there have been reports of hauntings since the early 1920s. Today, the rectory is open to the public, and people are allowed to spend up to two nights for a price. The Swedish TV Show, Det okända, once went to the rectory for a visit, were unable to leave, and were forced to spend the night. There is also an infamous rocking chair, which stories are told of throwing a priest who once lived there on the floor multiple times. Borgvattnet is most renowned for its old vicarage which was built in 1876, and is reputed to be a haunted house. The first documented mentioning of ghosts in the vicarage is in a letter dated 1927 which was written by chaplain Nils Hedlund who lived in the house at the time. In the 1930s, Hedlunds successor, chaplain Rudolf Tängdén, claimed to have seen the ghost of a woman in the house, and in the 1940s the subsequent chaplain, Otto Lindgren, and his wife said they experienced paranormal activity including weird sounds and moving objects. In 1941 a woman who visited the vicarage woke up one night in the guestroom to see that she was not alone. Three old women were sitting in a sofa staring at her in the dark room. She turned on the light and the three ghosts were still there but appeared to be more blurry. In 1945, chaplain Erik Lindgren moved into the vicarage and he started writing down in his journal all the strange things he experienced. Lindgren had bought a rocking chair which he brought to the vicarage. However, he was never able to sit in his chair very long without being thrown out of it by an invisible force. Ghost Hunters International has investigated the place and aired the episode in their first season in January 2009. Tore Forslund or the ghostpriest was a controversial priest who worked in Borgvattnet 1981 and he offered the village to relieve Borgvattnet from the ghosts that was said to accommodate the old parsonage. He was also strongly against the occult phenomena that existed in the district. Disappointed at not being able to meet the accusations the cathedral chapter had against him he decided to leave the Swedish church 1981. This is Swedens most publicized Haunted House since 1947. It started with that chaplain Erik Lindgren moved there that year. He heard the klampande step in the entryway, squeaking of doors, sounds like when someone takes off her coat, weird taps. It was like a bunch of invisible visitors came in which endlessly. His rocking chair began by itself rocking so violently that the priest was thrown to the floor. From one of the rooms was heard weeping and three gray ladies violent suddenly appeared in a couch. Sometimes it was an invisible force that lifted the Lady out of the Desk Chair. Hordes of journalists and busloads of curious visitors has made the Vicarage into a real tourist attraction, with sales of spöksouvenirer and opportunities to sample the famous rocking chair. A later priest, Stephen Forslund, tried in the early 1980s cast out the spirits with oljesmörning and Glossolalia. But Church Council got enough of spökprästen which was then driven himself and lost his job. Already in 1927, we know firmly that there was talk of spökerier on the spot. Priest in borgvattnet was then Chaplain Nils Hedlund, son of the former priest Per Ha. In a letter to chaplain Erik Lindgren Hedlund that he wrote experienced unexplained phenomena in the parsonage during his time there. For the sake of his successor He had, however, remained silent about the whole thing. At one point, he had been alone in the presbytery. His wife was out of town, and he was in the process of cleaning the handling room. Suddenly, he feels that he is not alone. He hears the steps and know clearly someone s presence in the room. After a while, he goes upstairs to take down laundry hanging on a clothesline in the Hall. When he just had time to come up is torn all the laundry down from the rope and Lands on the floor! HA go and look in the each of the rooms upstairs in order to ensure that no one played a trick on him, there are neither human or animal. Sheets could hardly slip a line without external influence and certainly not seven or eight pieces at the same time, explains Haase. The story is remarkable and consistent in addition pretty well with what Erik Lindgren came to experience twenty years later. One of the most remarkable events in the presbytery took place during sleep time curate Bertil Tun in borgvattnet. The year was 1941 and diocesan Secretary this time was called No F. At one point, she visited borgvattnet on mission and spent the night in the presbytery. Many years later, after the publicity hit the parsonage, wrote No F a letter in which she talked about what she witnessed that night she spent the night in the castle of the rectory. She had never before been to the village and she knew no more about the presbytery than to the lay aside on the big forest. At the beginning of her letter she points out that she never ever heard of that something strange happened in the presbytery. Though she visited several priest farms had previously she never the past experienced some spökerier . On arrival was shown to a small room in the attic. It was sparsely furnished and very cold. When she would go to bed at night she froze properly. On the wall opposite the bed stood only a Chair and on the low her suitcase. Otherwise the room was empty. Despite the cold, she managed to fall asleep after a while. At night, she woke up and felt suddenly observed. It had never before happened that she awakened at night and she usually sleep drömlöst. She looked around the room and could even discern its contours dark. At the wall where the Chair stood was now to her amazement a sofa. The couch was curved and slightly padded, but the strangest was that she upon closer examination saw it put three women in it! All three stared at her as she felt slightly horrified. reproachfully or No, put the marque to the colors of the their clothes. One of them was dressed in black, one had a bright purple dress and the third was gray. Two of them put your hands in your lap, but she was extremely to the left on a knitted stitch. No F verified that she was awake through the pinch in the arm. When she lit the lamp put the three the women left behind. As a third control, she pulled off her alarm clock in as far as it went. The three ladies were left even if they now appeared slightly blurred in the light. No, suddenly noticed that the woman in the Middle looked strange out of the face.She had a high redness around the eyes, which seemed as sharply marked red rings. Moreover bar honockså a very sad expression. No F says she looked at the clock and stated that was four at night. For a long while she lay propped on his elbow and regarded them. What would she do? Because this experience were completely unique to her, she came out not to say anything. She was aware that this was something strange and inexplicably, but she felt still not shaken or frightened. In the end she turned out the light but still saw the ladies just as clearly. paranormal.nu/borgvattnet.htm Photo 1 by borgvattnet.eu- Photo 2 ~Borg the parsonage is a pretty famous place where you can go if you want to sleep in a real haunted house, I myself have been there in 1998 and spent 24 hours there, I must say that I certainly heard and felt the things that made it pretty crucial for whether I should believe in it or not. I first went there to check out and in the House because it is only 10 miles from where I lived.. She owns the House opened the doors and stuff so I had to go in and feel a bit, knew even then that there was much that was not right in this House, there are many people I know who slept over there and experienced a lot of things that I experienced in. .. well anyway, it was quite dreadful to be 24 hours in this House. .. would have had a video camera with me so we got a little more evidence.. Only image available as a possible evidence is that which is taken by one who slept over there, the picture is taken from one of the Windows on the north side;. By ~metrobloggen.se/daniel1977/spoken_pa_borgvattnets_prastgard_/ Photo 3 ~by kalleanka.se- Photo 4 paranormal.nu/
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 13:02:13 +0000

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