History The Wixaritari came to the region of the Bolaños Canyon - TopicsExpress


History The Wixaritari came to the region of the Bolaños Canyon after Tepehuanes arrived . Anthropologists and historians disagree on when this ethnic group came to the region , but under the same wixárika recognize in their legends that they came to their current land , and had another ethnicity that inhabited. Oral history says tepehuanes populations that are currently inhabited by wixárika , such as Santa Catarina , were Tepehuan in the past. In addition , there are no reports on oral history or the Tepehuanes or the wixárika some conquest or domination by wixárika tepehuanes . The most accepted theory about the origin of the Huichol is postulated that come from the region of San Luis Potosí and that before their migration , were part of the ethnic group guachichil . Central to the traditional religion of the Wixaritari is the collection and consumption of peyote ritual ( a cactus hallucinogen ) in the place they call Wirikuta , located in the region of Real de Catorce in the state of San Luis Potosi . Peyote does not grow in the region of the Wixaritari , but is abundant in San Luis Potosí , territory that was central domain guachichiles before the arrival of the Spanish . At guachichiles were recognized as an ethnic fiercely defensive of their territory. That would have left guachichiles pass through his territory warriors to hunt without disturbing indicates that recognized as part of the same ethnicity . This is confirmed wixárika oral history and the similarity between the language of the Huichol who has more similarity with the language of the guachichiles ( now defunct ) than of Hearts , their current neighbors . Historical documents indicate that by the sixteenth century, had reached wixárika the northern region of Jalisco. In the stories of Alonso Ponce , dating from 1587 , indicates that the Tepeque Province , lived a people who used -.....
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 23:33:16 +0000

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