History can be used to INTIMIDATE. Europeans achievements are - TopicsExpress


History can be used to INTIMIDATE. Europeans achievements are INFLATED and the next thing we know, we are asking ourselves HOW WE CAN FIGHT THIS GREAT PEOPLE? Weve been FRIGHTENED! They talk about the great discoveries theyve made and we say to ourselves, Hey, wed better hang in with these people because if we lose them were going back to the Dark Ages. We think this way because theyve destroyed our confidence, our capacity to THINK FOR OURSELVES and to BELIEVE that we are capable of CREATING A WORLD AS GREAT or GREATER than the Eurocentric one that presently exists. In this way European historiography functions to maintain a SOCIAL SYSTEM, to psychologize and CREATE a PERSONALITY ORIENTATION in its READERS and its HEARERS.Even if we forget every fact and detail of INFLATED Eurocentric history, its intimidatory impression stays with us even when the content is lost. Thats the point of it, to LEAVE THE IMPRESSION, because that IMPRESSION will become a DYNAMIC SOURCE of BEHAVIORAL ORIENTATION TOWARD the WORLD.The European doesnt care whether or not we remember the facts and the details as long as we just remember the impression, as long as our PERSONALITIES have been IMPRESSED and TRANSFORMED in a fashion compatible with European INTERESTS. Historiography maybe used and function to RATIONALIZE IDEOLOGY and JUSTIFY the STATUS QUO, to MOTIVATE ACTIVITY and to CREATE CONSCIOUSNESS. We see that all the time, the RATIONALIZATION of SLAVERY through use of history, the rationalization of European Domination through the use of history. Why is our CULTURAL HISTORY STOLEN FROM US? So that we can think that we HAD NO CULTURE UNTIL THE EUROPEAN GAVE US HIS, or PROJECTED HIS OWN UPON US; so that we feel that we are not capable of CULTURE, and of DEVELOPING A CULTURE OF OUR OWN, one that could be respected the world over;so that we develop an INFERIORITY COMPLEX and the other kinds of COMPLEXES we talk about so often.When you steal a peoples history you can JUSTIFY RULING OVER THEM and thus JUSTIFY DOMINATION. More importantly, history may be used to INFLUENCE PERSONALITY, CULTURE, ROLES, and to MOTIVATE US TO COMMIT SUICIDE, to PROVOKE US TO COMMIT MENTICIDE and may be used to CREATE or RATIONALIZE FRATRICIDE, GENOCIDE and SELF-DESTRUCTION. How many times have we, maybe in our own personal lives, attacked someone because we were given the wrong history about them? How many murders have been perpetrated because someone believed a lie? How many wars have been started because the population was lied to and a history projected in such a way that motivated them to kill? A bogus, thoroughly wrongful fabrication can lead one to imprisonment, can lead one to murder, or lead to wars, or to being killed and destroyed. So there is a direct connection between history and the way people behave and act, between what one thinks of as history and killing, death, destruction and imprisonment. So history is no casual thing that one picks up while passing through school. It becomes a part of ones total ORIENTATION TOWARD the WORLD. If it were not, when then does the European see himself as the sole, valid historian in the world and tries to see himself as the only one who should determine what history is? We are, to a very great extent, what we are today as the result of BELIEVING LIES PRESENTED AS TRUTH. We must recognize that this often comes in the guise of history. -Prof.Amos Wilson The Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 22:16:41 +0000

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