History[edit] Indigenous peoples lived along both sides of the - TopicsExpress


History[edit] Indigenous peoples lived along both sides of the St. Lawrence River for thousands of years. The first people known to have encountered the Europeans in the area were the St. Lawrence Iroquoians a group distinct from and preceding the Iroquois nations of the Haudenosaunee. While the explorer Cartier recorded about 200 words in their Laurentian language, they disappeared from the area by the late 16th century. The Iroquois by then used the St. Lawrence Valley as a hunting ground. Victoria Hall, now the site of Brockvilles City Hall, was built in 1862-64 as a concert hall in front and a butchers market in the rear Court House Avenue and Soldiers Monument, 1920s This area of Ontario was first settled by English speakers in 1785, when thousands of American refugees arrived from the American colonies after the American Revolutionary War. They were later called United Empire Loyalists because of their continued allegiance to King George III. The struggle between Britain and the 13 American colonies occured in the years 1776 to 1783 and seriously divided loyalties among people in some colonies such as New York and Vermont. In many areas traders and merchants such as the coastal cities or the northern border regions had stronger business ties and allegiance to the Crown than did the frontiersmen of the interior. During the 6-year war which ended with the capitulation of the British in 1782 many colonists who remained loyal to the crown were frequently subject to harsh reprisals and unfair dispossession of their property by their countrymen. Many Loyalists chose to flee north to the then-British colony of Quebec. Great Britain opened the western region of Canada and allocated land to the mostly English-speaking Loyalists and helped them with some supplies as they founded new settlements. The St. Lawrence River, which separates Brockville and Morristown, New York, was named by French explorers in the 18th century to honour the martyred Roman Christian, Saint Laurentis. In 1785 the first U.E. Loyalist to take up land in Brockville was William Buell Sr. (1751–1832) an ensign disbanded from the Kings Rangers, from the state of New York. Residents commonly called the first settlement Buells Bay. Around 1810 government officials of Upper Canada designated the village as Elizabethtown. About 1812 leading residents of the village suggested that the village be renamed to differentiate it and the township of Elizabethtown. The commanding British General in Upper Canada and temporary administrator of the province was Major-General Isaac Brock. He was celebrated as the Hero and Saviour of Upper Canada because of his recent success in securing the surrender of Fort Detroit. Perhaps to curry favour with Gen Brock certain leading citizens of the village including Charles Jones proposed the name of Brockville. They began using this name in their correspondence and dealings with Isaac Brock. Gen. Brock was soon involved in other battles on the Niagara Peninsula, and on October 13, 1812, he was fatally wounded while leading troops up the heights near the village of Queenston then held by American militia. A Raid on Elizabethtown occurred on February 7, 1813, when Benjamin Forsyth and 200 men crossed the frozen St. Lawrence River to occupy Elizabethtown and seize military and public stores, free American prisoners, and capture British military prisoners.[3] The general had been aware of the honour being offered by the residents of Elizabethtown, but had no chance to give it his official blessing before his death. Provincial officials accepted the new name which was soon commonly used by residents and visitors. In 1830 the population of Brockville had managed to exceed the 1000 mark. This entitled it to be represented by its own elected member in the House of Assembly. Henry Jones, the village postmaster, was elected in October 1830 to the 11th Parliament of the Province. Brockville became Ontarios first incorporated self-governing town on January 28, 1832, two years before the town of Toronto. By means of the Brockville Police Act passed by the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada Brockville was given the right to govern its own affairs, pass laws and raise taxes. The first elections for the new Board of Police were held on April 2, 1832 to elect four members to the Board. These four in turn chose a fifth member, Daniel Jones, who also became the first Police Board president or Mayor of Brockville. In March 1836 he became the first native Upper Canadian to receive a knighthood and became Sir Daniel Jones. In the 19th century the town became a local centre of industry including shipbuilding, saddleries, tanneries, tinsmiths, a foundry, a brewery, and several hotels. By 1854, a patent medicine industry had sprung up in Brockville and in bordering Morristown, NY featuring products such as Dr Morses Indian Root Pills, Dr. McKenzies Worm Tablets and later, Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. The south portal of the Brockville Tunnel, Canadas first railway tunnel, opened in 1860 In 1855, Brockville was chosen as a divisional point of the new Grand Trunk Railway between Montreal and Toronto. This contributed to its growth as it could offer jobs in railway maintenance and related fields. At the same time, the north–south line of the Brockville and Ottawa Railway was built to join the St. Lawrence River ship route with the timber trade of the Ottawa Valley. A well-engineered tunnel for this railway was dug and blasted underneath the middle of Brockville. The Brockville Tunnel was the first railway tunnel in Canada. Brockville and many other towns in Canada West became involved in the threatened Fenian invasion after the American Civil War in 1865. In June 1866 the Irish-American Brotherhood of Fenians invaded Canada. They launched raids across the Niagara River into Canada West and from Vermont into Canada East. Canadian Prime Minister Sir John A. Macdonald called on the volunteer militia companies in every town to protect Canada. The Brockville Infantry Company and the Brockville Rifle Company (now The Brockville Rifles) were mobilized. The unsuccessful Fenian Raids were a catalyst that contributed to the creation of the new Dominion of Canada in 1867. By 1869, Brockville had a population of 5000 and a station on the Grand Trunk Railway. It was the County Town of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville and a port of Entry. Steamers stopped in Brockville daily while plying between Montreal, Kingston, Toronto and Hamilton. The Brockville and Ottawa Railway connected Brockville with Smiths Falls, Perth, Almonte, Carleton Place and Sandy Point. During the summer, a steam ferry plied every half hour between Brockville and Morrisburg New York.[4] In 1962 Brockville was granted official status as a city. Its coat of arms featured a beehive surrounded by a golden chain and bears the motto Industria, Intelligentia, Prosperitas. This is an official heraldic design. Brockville is one of the few cities that has a recognized heraldic flag.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 00:17:42 +0000

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