History is a tremendous reference point and 1978 was the pivotal - TopicsExpress


History is a tremendous reference point and 1978 was the pivotal point in the history of Rhodesia. As 1978 came to a close, no one was winning the Rhodesian bush war, except a firming view with some in the Rhodesian Security a Force hierarchy was that if it dragged on the Patriotic Front guerrillas were likely to win within 2 years primarily due to a war of attrition. The political initiative led by Ian Smith to neutralise ZIPRA and prevent the conventional invasion of Matabeleland had failed. His visit to Lusaka to negotiate a detente with Nkomo (ZIPRA) and President Kaunda and which showed promise was shattered within a few weeks. The downing of the first Viscount, Hunyani, sunk that initiative and led to an escalation of cross border attacks to neutralise the ZIPRA forces militarily. These raids took place at the same time ZANLA was pouring its forces into Rhodesia to disrupt any hope of an internal political solution succeeding. Some statistics to consider: Within Rhodesia by end of 1978: 3,484 black and 294 white Rhodesian civilians had died, the Security Forces had lost 774. The Guerrillas lost circa 7,000. Estimates were that additionally seven to eight thousand guerrillas had been killed in cross border raids. In 1978 alone over 5,000 people were killed – totalling over 44% of casualties of this conflict since 1972. An estimated 9,000 ZANLA and circa 1,000 ZIPRA, roamed the country, mainly in TTL’s, while many tens of thousands guerrillas (est 40,000) were in camps in Zambia, Mozambique and Angola. In 1974, 4,700 were in the Rhodesian Security Force, but by end of 1978 this number was 9,500 Army, 1,300 Air Force, 55,000 reservists and the new para-military added about 44,000 made from (ex UANC and ZANU (Sithole) terrorists. Defence spending by Rhodesia had gone up 415% from Rho$46 million in 1972 to Rho$237 million in 1977/8. Many schools in rural locations had closed, cattle thefts had escalated, ticks and tsetse were ravishing the national herd, large tracks of land area were either ‘no go’ or ‘frozen’ zones. The economy was a breaking point made worse by a global recession limiting export demand and strangling foreign exchange, while limitations on oil following the collapse of the Shah in Persia was causing strain on RSA ability to supply Rhodesia. By the start of 1979 South Africa was paying for over 50% of the cost of the war and giving greater military support for the incoming Muzorewa Government. Russia and China were increasingly supporting ZIPRA and ZANLA forces while the USA was applying greater pressure on RSA to bring an end to the conflict. Page 99 (June 1977) of the novel Retribution – “I really believed we could create something special, unique even, here in Rhodesia,” said Richard sombrely.“But now I am not at all certain that it is possible. I wonder to myself whether it was a naive dream or did we just loose the chance. Either way it’s not going to happen is it?” Chapter 35 - The old mans face was etched in his sadness. He wondered whether Do you know? The highly destructive golf bomb was developed in Rhodesia in 1976/7. A weapon was needed to produce a lethal effect over relatively large areas. Originally called Project Foxtrot and later Project Golf, the objective was to produce a fuel-air explosive bomb. Working from US FAE bombs that descended on parachutes Sqn Leader Petter-Bowyer experimented to find a better alternative for more accurate delivery without a parachute and using less volatile explosives. The discovery of ANFO that could be manufactured cheaply and easily was the breakthrough that allowed the Golf bomb to be developed. When confined in a steel container and given an initiator charge, ANFO generates an enormous amount of high pressure gas. That creates a huge Explosion but as the gas cools immediately,a void is created, causing air to move at supersonic speed in an Implosion. Both the explosion and immediate implosion cause equal dose of deadly damage. Petter-Bowyer was not content to see the majority of blast energy being taken up in making ground craters or being expelled skywards. The final product, ready in March 1977, had double steel cylinders sandwiching thousands of pieces of chopped 10 mm metal rods and a meter long proboscis that hit the ground to immediately detonate the weapon above ground. This together with a dual initiation Pentolite booster charges created a devastating lateral effect. The Golf bomb flattened everything around the point of contact, including substantial trees, up to 45 meters radius. The shrapnel sprayed out beyond this. The ground was pulverised and turned to powder. The injuries from the Golf bomb were of two distinct type. Shrapnel from the explosion would shred a body. The implosion would create over pressure that would destroy vital organs without damage to the outer skin. Victims would appear unhurt from the outside but on the inside they were mashed. The golf bomb was delivered by the Hawker Hunter both in attacking terrorists inside and external to Rhodesia. Page 352 of RETRIBUTION - Its brutal Sir, observed Robs Sergeant. These bastards are pulverised. Ya its the Golf Bombs from the Hunters that did this. Those close in where the bomb went off are torn to shreds, but those over there, Rob pointed to where several dozen terrorists lay, ... they got their insides scrambled to mush. Thats why they look uninjured until you open them up. I didnt know we had this stuff, Sir. retributionbook Pictures attached: Golf bomb design Rhodesian helicopter fire forces Rhodesian paratroopers Rhodesian Hawker Hunter ZIPRA guerrilla forces ZIPRA training camp in Angola being attacked Chapters of the novel, Retribution, cover some of these pertinent issues. Best worldwide availability is still with The Book Depository - bookdepository/Retribution-John-Frame/9781910162903
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 06:05:52 +0000

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