History of Muros The Muros township has been dated back to 1286. - TopicsExpress


History of Muros The Muros township has been dated back to 1286. That’s the oldest document found. But there’s proof that people had settled in Muros as far back as 2500 BC during the Bronze age. In the township of Muros alone there are about 17 sites containing petroglyphics These are a sort of images carved into rock. They are really hard to find due to erosion and also vegetation growth . Galicia has been the home for Celtic tribes for thousands of years, on the lower left picture you can see a 4000 year old moon calendar. Celtic people judged time by the moon. With the help of an old book, and a couple of friends, we were able to find just two sites. We tried to find others but heavy vegetation had grown (mostly thorns….ouch!! ) over them and we had no luck. We got so frustrated that at the end of the search that we became a little creative and decided to draw something our selves. (try to guess the one I drew…. yeap the guy with the AK47 hunting bufalo..) I’m just going to throw some history info towards you. I kind of took want I wanted since history can get pretty boring so please bare with me … In the year 1452 Muros was known as one of the largest sea ports in Spain. It could hold about 50 ships; this was stated by some old Castilian king… In the year 1544 the Napoleonic Armada “visited” Muros and was defeated by the Spanish armada. The French returned during the Spanish Civil War ( 1808 ) and burned most of town including 144 homes and with that most of our history was wiped out since all the older documents were burned… The township of Muros was a strategic place during the XII since trade vessels used the port to bring all imports that we’re going to the city of Santiago and the rest of Spain…. Also in the XVII a fort with 16 cannons was built to the right of the above picture (the right one.) because Turkish and Arabian pirate ships frequented the zone to attack cargo ships. On a final note in the year 1589 British Captain Sir Frances Drake while under the reign of Isabel of England tried to take the city of Coruña armed with 20,000 men. He was defeated and said to repair his ships behind the shelter of Mt. Louro (which is seen in the picture to the right) before he made his trip back home.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 02:42:11 +0000

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