History of Wing Chun The History of Wing Chun quoted below is - TopicsExpress


History of Wing Chun The History of Wing Chun quoted below is based on stories told by Master Ip Ching (a son of Grandmaster Ip Man). Legend has it that Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) was developed by Ng Mui, a Buddhist Abbess, a Shaolin monastery on Mount Sung in Honan province. During the rule of Emperor Kangshi in Ching Dynasty (1662-1722), the Manchu government feared the growing power of the Shaolin Monastery and attacked him. After several failed attempts, the Manchu army finally managed to burn the monastery, which was the ground. The surviving monks fled and scattered among them, Ng Mui. While taking refuge in a Shaolin Temple on Mount Tai Leung Ng Mui met Yim Wing Chun, the daughter of a merchant in a nearby village. Yim Wing Chun had attracted the attention of a local bully, so Ng Mui took Yim Wing Chun under his tutelage and showed him the Kung Fu. Ng Mui had noticed several weaknesses of other systems of Shaolin Kung Fu, so developed and taught Yim Wing Chun a new art. As time passed, the system of Kung Fu became known as Wing Chun, the first student of Ng Mui. ng Mui ng Mui Now if Ng Mui and Yim Wing Chun existed or not, do not really know, because there is no evidence. The oldest practitioner of Wing Chun and reported that there is documented in the history books of Chinese opera is Tan Sau Ng. Says his technique Tan sau was unrivaled throughout the country. But little is known of Tan Sau Ng. Yim Wing Chun Yim Wing Chun There is another document that says Wong Wa Bo was an actor in an opera, which traveled in Red Boat and he knew Wing Chun (some say he learned of Leung Lan Kwai). During his travels, he said he had known Leung Ye Tay, who worked on the pole your boat, ie, he pushed the boats in waterways. Leung Ye Tay was also a student of Kung Fu, and had learned the Lok Dim Boon Kwan (Technique Pole along the Wing Chun) Gee Shin, who was reputed to be one of the five senior monks who escaped the burning the Shaolin Monastery. Wong Wa Bo and Leung Ye Tay exchanged techniques, and together they refined the applications and principles of Wing Chun, as the centerline theory, economy of movement, and so on. Leung Ye Tai eventually taught Wing Chun to Dr. Leung Jan FatSan, located in southern China. Leung Jan was a pharmacist by profession and had a good and cultured living. Leung Jan became a fighter Wing Chun and brought public attention to the art of Wing Chun. Leung Jan passed his knowledge to his two sons, Leung Chun and Leung Bik, and a street vendor by the name of Chan Wa Shun. Chan was reported as a man of the streets, and was not well educated, and had numerous opportunities to use their skills of Wing Chun. Chan Wa Shun took 16 disciples, his last being a 13-year-old Ip Man. ip Man ip Man Ip Man, who grew up to become a police officer in FatSan studied with Chan Wa Shun until the death of his Master. Ip Man did not initially taught oo his Wing Chun to the public, only to his two sons, Ip Chun and Ip Ching. During World War II, the Japanese invaded China and plundered the family farm of Ip Man. In 1949, Ip Man moved to Hong Kong and began teaching Wing Chun to survive, because he had lost everything in the war. In addition to his two sons, Ip Man had many famous students including Bruce Lee (Lee Jun Fan), Wong Shun Leung, Hawkins Cheung, Tsui Sheung Tin, Moy Yat, and William Cheung. By 1970 Ip Man for teaching. Passes away in 1972 aged 72. Ip Man in 1968 founded the Hong Kong Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) Athletic Association, which carries his memories and lessons for today. ip Ching ip Ching Ip Man had two sons, Ip Chun and Ip Ching, whom he passed his legacy and teachings of Wing Chun. Ip Ching began his training at a young age with his father, but was forced to interrupt his training when his father, Ip Man moved to Hong Kong. In 1962, Ip Ching moved to Hong Kong after graduating from college, returning student to complete his training in Wing Chun. Ip Ching retired in 1994 and devoted himself to teaching Wing Chun full time. He continues to give private lessons in your home and in school Ip Man Ving Tsun Athletic Association, Hong Kong. Ip Ching_Sam Chan Ip Ching / Master Sam Chan Master Sam Hing Fai Chan studied Wing Chun with both Grandmasters Ip Chun and Ip Ching, however, most of his training was with Grandmaster Ip Ching. Certified as a member and instructor for the Hong Kong Ving Tsun Association, Master Chan was also a founding member and former director of the United States Ip Ching Ving Tsun Athletic Association, and has served as an interpreter of Grandmaster Ip Ching on numerous visits and occasions in the USA Sifu Chan is also a founding member and current director of International Wing Chun Martial Art Association, and is much sought after for his knowledge of Wing Chun. Master Chan teaches Wing Chun in its Kwon (Martial Arts School) in Grand Rapids - Michigan, since 1976 is one of the largest schools of Wing Chun in the United States. Prof Yakko Sideratos / Master Sam Chan Master Sam Hing Fai Chan taught to Yakko Sideratos both in Brazil and in your school in the USA, Yakko one of four representatives of the Master Sam Chan in Brazil. Yakko Sideratos for their work and dedication in training with his master, receives the title of Sifu, which means head teacher of the school. The Cultural Center is Yakko Sideratos school array of styles and Jow Ga Wing Chun in Brazil. For more information on other representatives of Master Sam Chan in Brazil, please visit the Representatives (in construction) lin
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 15:11:13 +0000

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