History was made today. More importantly, HOPE has been given to - TopicsExpress


History was made today. More importantly, HOPE has been given to Children who suffer from Severe Seizures and Epilepsy. Today SB 124, the Cannabidiol Oil Bill, passed the Full House with a 98-0 vote!!! This oil is our LAST shot at trying to control Madisons Seizures. We have tried over a dozen different seizure meds only to learn none of them work. The 2 She is on now only work to keep her seen & unseen seizures down to under 200 a day. Yes, 200 a day although 90% of those are in the brain only and not strong enough to throw her into convulsions. Each one causes more and more brain damage. This Oil works. It has been proven many times. And now my Daughter could have seizure free days. After the first 7 days of Her being on it (once its available) we could see major results; that 8th day could very well be the first day in over 14 years that her brain doesnt suffer damage. She could come off Her meds within 14 days of starting the oil, meaning no more days of medical sedation. I could have a part of my Daughter that I have never known...She can have days of less frustration, headaches, confusion, jitters, dizziness and so on. I will finally be able to take Her places that have more than 5 ppl there and not be in fear of her seizing from getting overwhelmed. March 26, 2014 is a great day in History, a great day of Hope!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 01:38:16 +0000

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