Hitler... Berlin April 30 1945 less than two days after the - TopicsExpress


Hitler... Berlin April 30 1945 less than two days after the wedding on April 30 1945... Hitler/ his bride retired to his study... “there he stood... very quiet/ very tired... then he turned... I felt somehow like frozen... because I knew now that this was the decisive moment... where we were going to see soon he had ended his life...” they sat on the couch... opposite them was a portrait of the mother of Hitler... Eva now took a cyanide capsule... popped it into her mouth... she died instantly... then Hitler picked up his gun... put it to his right temple... fired... acting in accordance with the instructions... of Hitler members of his staff wrapped both the bodies in blankets... carried them up to the surface... during a pause in the Russian shelling... they doused the bodies with what petrol they had managed to collect... set them alight... “the struggle between the people... the hatred between them... is being nurtured by very specific interested parties... it is a small rootless international clique... that is turning people against each other... that does not want them to have peace!... it is a people who are at home both nowhere/ everywhere!... who do not have anywhere a soil on which they have grown up... but who live in Berlin today... Brussels tomorrow... Paris the day after... then Prague... Vienna or London... who feel at home everywhere!... they are the ones who can really be regarded as international elements... because they conduct their business everywhere!...” General Léon Degrelle in the “The Enigma of Adolf Hitler” wrote... “at the very end of his life to be sure his back had become bent... but his mind remained as clear as a flash of lightning... when has history ever witnessed so enormous a tragedy... brought to its end with such iron self-control?...”
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:40:32 +0000

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