Hitler Had Jewish DNA This information adds weight to the - TopicsExpress


Hitler Had Jewish DNA This information adds weight to the view that Hitler was a Sabbatean Frankist (Illuminati) Jew whom the bankers put in power to destroy Germany and sacrifice other Jews to provide a rationale for the State of Israel. henrymakow/2013/05/Hitler-... WAS HITLER A ROTHSCHILD? theforbiddenknowledge/... ROTHSCHILD controlled Alois SCHICKLGRUBER alias Adolf HITLER Read the book - Dr Anthony SUTTON: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler Wall Street & the Zionist Wall Street Banks bankrolled HITLER from beginning to end. - Anti-semitism is a jewish tool to protect Jews. This word should not exist. Nobody hates someone because he is jewish, rather, if a person has some criminal and destructive behaviour. Many people cannot afford the luxury to assume that all jewish people are beautiful people if all you see are jewish people perpetrating racism towards the rest of the world, manipulation, abuses, lies and wars. - Ms. Alice Rothschild correctly refers to jews as tribe. The deception is the diabolical myth that jews are Israel/Jacobs descendants. Jews admit they are Edomites, Esaus descendants, with an avowed perpetual hatred of Israel/Jacobs descendants; have robbed Jacob/Israel by impersonating Israel. Jews are NOT Judahites. Jew is an 18th cent. word used in English Bibles to indicate Judeans. Edomites dominated Judea after 125 B.C., - Herods, Pharisees, who demanded the Romans to crucify Christ. - Ms. Rothschild makes reference to the holocaust as though there was a German attempt to exterminate the jews. I doubt that Ms. R. is as in the dark about the jews actual history as she may have been as a child. No Rothschild insider would be without the knowledge of the Rothschild plan to invent a catalyst to scare European jews out of Europe into Palestine, since Rothschilds colluded with Balfour in 1917 to hand Palestine over to them. Hitler planned to send Jews to Madagascar. - Its called propaganda. Ms Rothschild plays the role of a self-hating jew to appear to oppose the Zionist-jews while disclosing absolutely nothing about who the jews really are or what theyre really after. Jews dont want a nation of their own. We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own. (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155). - Rise up world! This family owns the world...too rich to be included in the top 10 wealthiest people. They have more money than the world monetary system...they own it and designed it. We are their slaves. She was raised a serpent. This family makes money creating war and killing people mercilessly. The holocaust was financed by her family as are most wars past and present. Who is she fooling? They are concerned only with themselves and have no mercy or compassion for anyone. - There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity... yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel. - Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO https://google/#q=Alois+Schic... Ancestry of Adolf Hitler history1900s.about/od/hitl... Adolf Hitler Was a Rothschild! Proof! humansarefree/2011/05/adol... Alois Schicklgruber is Adolf Hitlers Real Name before it was changed in 1824 Adolfs father, Alois, was nearing his 52nd birthday when Adolf was born, but was only celebrating his 13th year as a Hitler. Alois (Adolfs father) was actually born as Alois Schicklgruber on June 7, 1837 to Maria Anna Schicklgruber. At the time of Alois birth, Maria was not yet married. Five years later (May 10, 1842), Maria Anna Schicklgruber married Johann Georg Hiedler. Ancestry of Adolf Hitler history1900s.about/od/hitl... Hitlers Father Alois Schicklgruber geni/people/Alois-Schi... Hitler Genealogy and Hitler Family History Information geni/surnames/hitler The Untold Story of the Hitler Family TruthWillOut Films: The Greatest Story Never Told; Adolf Hitler https://youtube/watch?v=Q9bF0... for the full 6 hours thegreateststorynevertold.tv/ This video ties in with the info in one-evil.org/content/home.html that Hitlers rise to power in Germany was financed by the Vatican. https://youtube/watch?v=FkBBq... The Vatican has been controlling every single war and have their evil hands in Murdering thousands of people, You Better Wake up https://youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FkBBq5SxgZM
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 18:48:42 +0000

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