Hitler outwardly refuses to provide his identification pertaining - TopicsExpress


Hitler outwardly refuses to provide his identification pertaining to whether or not he is a Pure Aryan as the Nuremberg race laws entails. I find this rather suspicious... and even more suspicious is the fact that Hitler never had any children. Considering that he is the king of Nazi party and every dynasty since the beginning of time has always considered the IMPORTANCE OF HEIRS Im rather curious what hes trying to hide. If Hitler doesnt have any immediate heirs a REGENT government will have to be installed (see North Korea) Here Hitler isnt even contemplating revealing his identity let alone having children... mainly due to fear that his child could be discovered to be NOT ARYAN... possibly Jewish (to think that anyone actually believes that Hitler IS NOT AWARE OF HIS JEWISH ANCESTRY... despite the fact that Hitler spent nearly a decade destroying any sort of records of his family lineage so that it couldnt be used against him... its foolish to think he wasnt aware.) Why would he spend so much effort destroying the records of his family? I think Hitler was well aware of his Jewish ancestry... he was a paranoid and narcissistic racist who was terrified of ILLNESSES and romanticized living in a world where he didnt have to experience his illnesses. Also strange is that Hitler deliberately stationed a training ground right next to a graveyard where his family wouldve been buried. Isnt it convenient that the very training ground also removed all evidence pertaining to family lineage... The disappearance, the apparently deliberate erasure, of Dollersheim is one of the most peculiar aspects of the deeply tangled Hitler-genealogy controversy. The tiny village was literally blasted off the map and out of existence sometime after Hitler annexed Austria. An effort--some partisans in the controversy contend--to erase all traces of certain irregular and disreputable Hitler family events that took place there. Irregularities that have long cast a shadow over accounts of Hitlers origins. Irregularities that had given rise to repeated pilgrimages to Dollersheim in the prewar years by journalists and other interested investigators, news of which invariably provoked Hitler into near-apoplectic rages. People must not know who I am. he was reported to have ranted when he learned of one of the early investigations into his family history. They must not know where I come from. nytimes/books/first/r/rosenbaum-hitler.html https://youtube/watch?v=asmRpTQotgs
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:07:41 +0000

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