Hitting Point Overwhelm I have had quite a few comments from - TopicsExpress


Hitting Point Overwhelm I have had quite a few comments from clients and friends asking why I have been so quiet on the writing of posts front, as opposed to taking the easy way out and sharing others posts ... which I have been really guilty of over the past few months in general, and this month in particular. I could say I have been really busy (which is true), or that life is chaotic at the moment (also true) or that I am so tired after a day resonant with chasing my tail (you know how that feels!) that all I can do is fall into bed, without a creative thought in my head. But that for me feels as though I am buying into the excuses and allowing the excuses to drive my daily schedule, as opposed to ME driving my days consciously and constructively. Part of the problem has been that time seems to have developed a new speed, one which I am struggling to adapt to. Anyone else out there feeling as though time is speeding up, that there are less hours in the day, less minutes in the hour, and that, no matter how much you have acheived during the day, there is constantly a list of MORE demanding things to get through? In speaking to many clients this month, I know i am not alone on this frantic time change feeling. It had gotten to the point where I had looked at all the things I needed to get done, and hit panic stations. There was so much to be done, no time to do it all, and I was lying awake at night stressing with what to do with it all, with the rsult that I was acheiving very little during the day. If I am honest with myself, I have fallen into the trap of WHEN THIS OR THAT IS DONE, THEN I CAN GET BACK TO NORMAL, as in: ** When the flat is finally renovated, then I can ... ** When the printed book is on the shelf, then I can .... ** When the house is clean and tidy, then I can .... ** When my German is better and more fluent, then I can .... ** When I have earned enough to pay the tax bill, then I can ... ** When, when, when Its funny isnt it, that we all KNOW that we shouldnt put off our happiness/success/fulfillment to a future date, that we should be in the moment, and embrace it now. But, when it comes down to it, here I am doing it right now. I might not be saying, when I am rich then I can ... or when I am thin, then I can ... but I realised that I am putting off what needs to be done/fulfills me/ keeps me balanced until some time in the future when ... And as we all know, that once the flat has been renovated, something else just as urgent will take its place. Once the house is clean and tidy, someone will come in and mess it up again. Once I feel my german is good enough i will find some other excuse to stop me from getting out and presenting or selling in german. It is enough to keep us paralysed in a space on non activity. Because I have so much on my plate, I am not even getting to do the things that I should be doing ... gym falls by the wayside, healthy cooking - pah, who has time? Meeting up with friends? Next month, after easter, maybe in the summer holidays, when I have finished this or that or the other urgent thing. And so, realising that I have been trying to eat the entire chocolate cake in one sitting, I have had to go back to basics. ** Break the big picture down into acheivable manageable activities ** Meditate before starting to work, and ask the Universe/God/Angels to expand the time to allow me to acheive what needs to be acheived in the time allocated for it. ** Focus purely on the project at hand during the time allocated ** Enjoy the moment and be in the moment fully. ** Honour and celebrate and recognise each acheivement and step forward. After all, how do you eat a chocolate cake? One bite at a time! Anyone else relate? Ill have another piece of chocolate cake please ... oh and for good measure, a giant sized cappucino!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:26:24 +0000

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