Hiya! Its Tuesday, December 9. Wet and warm, is how itll be, with - TopicsExpress


Hiya! Its Tuesday, December 9. Wet and warm, is how itll be, with storm warnings and high surf advisories all up and down our coastline. Over the next few days, well be measuring rainfall in the inches, and if conditions come together just right there might be a windstorm in the Willamette Valley on Thursday. I dont want to say that out loud on the radio because computer models dont agree on this, but it bears watching. So the bears are watching. The current sunsets are the latest theyll be all year. Sundown will start getting earlier next Monday. Where the daylight is still shrinking is at the morning end. Today its 21 minutes till eight before the suns officially risen. SAD, anybody? Wild made its Portland premier last night, and although the starstruck red carpet scene on NW 21st was sort of un-Portland, its good to see Cheryl Strayed and Reese Witherspoon soaking up the local love they deserve. Like many, I slurped up the book in a weekend last year; Witherspoon did the same prior to publication, and committed herself to making a Major Hollywood Movie of it and doing it justice. It sounds like she absolutely did; bonding like a sister with Strayed--who by her own description has emerged in popular culture as an unwitting self help author. Many people will see themselves represented metaphorically in this movie. It will change some lives, get some people off their own butts in their own way. Moreover, Oregon--and a wide diversity thereof, from its remote lunarscapes to its imperfect urban cool--is a movie star in this, and thats something well need to talk about. Witherspoon calls it a love letter to Oregon. Maybe itll attract a healthy subset of highly motivated emigres. Well get the gritty lowdown on waterboarding and other forms of enhanced interrogation techniques employed against suspected terrorists in the Bush era as the Senate Intelligence Committee releases an executive summary of a report on CIA tactics in the years following 9/11. Backlash, particularly in middle-eastern countries, is expected. US interests around the world are on high alert. Portland is now suing Uber. Measure 92 backers are suing the state over uncounted ballots whose signature didnt match. This is all good. Lawyers need billable hours, especially at this time of year. Scientists at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute are claiming a medical breakthrough in the fight against obesity in which a molecule converts slow-burning fat cells into a kind that burns fat much more quickly. The result could be a pill that works against overweight--although it doesnt replace the other benefits of exercise like heart conditioning, mental clarity and, you know, feeling good. Theres a photo floating around of a Salem police officer, parked across three parking places, taking a nap in his cruiser in the middle of the morning. The Oregon National Guard will conduct night flying missions the next three nights. The official statement doesnt come out and say it, but this business of tracking Santa from the North Pole requires some planning and rehearsal. You know, to avoid an unfortunate incident. You think the streets are filled with angry people now? Wait till they shoot down Santa. And its the time of year when power grids are challenged by peoples ultracompetitive Christmas light displays, so heres a cold one. Time to roll. Have a fun Tuesday, and please join us on FM 103 and the iHeartRadio app, which transports our little corner of Portland to the civilized outside world. Comments and updates welcome!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 11:57:11 +0000

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