Hiya ..... So.....after a week wi Owr Josh.. its nearly time ter - TopicsExpress


Hiya ..... So.....after a week wi Owr Josh.. its nearly time ter say goodbye...... Im gonna miss him....... me eyes are leaking finking abart him gooin off tomorrer...... Its gonna be reit quiet wiout him.... Hes galloping abart owr kitchen, ant gor a care int world, dunt kno its his last neet at owr gaff...... Will he cry fer us, do yer fink ? Will me Mam cry fer him.....? Bur I tell yer summat.... Hes gor a reit nice ooame ter go to....an his new Mam an Dad are looking fer a playmate fer him already. Their dog only went ter Rainbow Bridge 2 weeks ago...an they desperate fer another lurcher.....or two. Me Mams been talking to em terday an they gonna give him a great life.... He will be gooin on holiday in their caravan.......an loads o country walks. So it ony leaves me ter say... Tomorrer Josh we wish you well, we will remember yer......we will miss yer chasing abart, aeting leaves, apples, soil, grass sods, plants, twigs, pebbles, rugs,paper, blankets, sandals, toes, jeans, table legs...oh yes an yesterday he crunched a snail shell....yuk....you name It, hes had it....... Hes laid now wi his eead on me Mams feet...oblivious........ There will be tears tomorrer.........
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:50:05 +0000

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