Hiya fbrs another great morning in progress 14 degress here at - TopicsExpress


Hiya fbrs another great morning in progress 14 degress here at present, very humid last night thought we might have had a good old downpour but no, well it looks like a realy good day is onthe cards for most of us even Scotland, sorry to say there may be the odd shower about but they will few and far betweenand you will be very unlucky to be hit by one. So shock horror, our schools have become targets of Islamic extreamests, for god sake when will the people we have voted to govern this once great country of ours open their eyes and see what is happening around them, Islamic extreamists are being allowed to walk freely amongst us Chowdry, Hooky, Abdul Quada all prechers of hate were allowed to spout their hatred of Britain while living freely with their ever increasing extended familys on Benifits in free housing which they were never satified with? All this allowed because of their so called human rights, Did government not expect these radicals to go after the easiest of minds to corrupt, those at the learning stage in communitys made up of mainly Islamic religious followers, get real, these are areas where intergration is a dirty word, so Cameron, Clegg Miliband dont try to make out you didnt know or expect this to happen, andd dont try to shift the blame on other as you look for a scape goat , take responsability and a tougher stance against extreamists. Rant over.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 05:09:07 +0000

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