Hiya fbrs, its Friday its raining and its only 2 degrees, can it - TopicsExpress


Hiya fbrs, its Friday its raining and its only 2 degrees, can it get any better than that, oh yea, we could also have the gales, oh sorry there reserved for Sunday, oh the joys of Britain in February, god knows what March will have in store for us, that the month thats suposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb, think we can forget the later part of that saying. Well all I can say it must have ben areal quite day on the world news front yesterday, all the killings, the wars, Disasters and floods must have vanished, as the News hounds, TV news reports even Radio news stations latched on to the fact that one David Bowie has waded into the Political Scotish Independance debate, WHAT, WHAT, am I hearing right, I could have sworn I heard a lack lusters acceptance speach from Kate Moss substituting from a so called super star who thought so much of the awards, he couldnt even be bothers to turn up, and what was all the fuss about that made it front page news on some papers, Kate said the immortal words for him, Stay with us Scotland my God the nerve of the man, how dare he upset the balance of power with such a statement. What a load of morons we have running our news desks, if they think some inane remark like that by some one of so little insignifisance in the political world would make a single ripple. Rant over, have a great day, it nearly the weekend again ttfn.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 06:07:29 +0000

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