Hizb militants killed 5 troopers on LOC: Salahuddin Srinagar: At a - TopicsExpress


Hizb militants killed 5 troopers on LOC: Salahuddin Srinagar: At a time when tensions are running high between India and Pakistan, Syed Salahuddin Friday claimed that Hizbul Mujahedeen militants were involved in the killing of five Indian soldiers along Line of Control in Poonch sector. In a telephonic interview with a Srinagar-based news agency, the United Jihad Council chairman and Hizbul Mujahedeen supremo said, “If India blames Pakistan Army for the killing of five soldiers in Poonch sector, let me clear them that Hizubul Mujaheden’s Sarhadi (border) squad killed them under a specific strategy.” “After the launch of a peaceful protest movement by the Kashmirs in 2008, militants had shifted their activities to the border areas and have intensified their attacks along LOC. Neither Pakistan nor India can stop militant activities along LOC. From Keran to Karnah and till Ramban sector our mujahideen are busy in fighting with Indian troops. Sometimes our mujahideen achieve martyrdom, some times Indian troopers are killed.” Commenting on the ceasefire violations on the LOC, he said, “Despite signing ceasefire agreement in 2003 India and Pakistan continue to violate it. These violations took place several times over past few years. In 2011 ceasefire was violated 62 times, in 2012 it was violated 117 times and this year till date 82 times. Until and unless Kashmir issue is not sorted out ceasefire violations and infiltrations will continue to happen.” Taking a dig at the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, he said, “Omar Abdullah sheds crocodile tears on August 15 for discriminatory attitude of India towards Kashmiris. If his conscience is alive, he should leave power and join freedom movement and prove he is sincere to Kashmiris.” “All pro-India parties be it National Conference, Congress, or Peoples Democratic Party are hoodwinking people for their petty interests. These parties are responsible for the situation in which Kashmir has been caught. They are hand-in-glove with Indian agencies. But let me tell you they have to face punishment for it.” The UJC chief said mainstream leaders were agents of New Delhi. “How can you expect from them to do something good for the people in Kashmir when they are puppet in the hands of New Delhi.” Blaming Congress and Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) for playing politics over every issue, he said, “As elections are close in India they are busy in blowing the claims of extremism. The foundation of Indian politics is constructed on the anti Pak emotion. Any party in India which exhibits deep hatred against Pakistan gains huge mileage among the extremists in India.” Castigating India for its ‘pseudo-secularism’ the UJC chairman said, “India which is boasting so much about its secularity has made Narender Modi, who is the killer of hundreds of innocent people, a strong candidate for the Prime Minster.” Commenting on Gool killings, he said, “After the desecration of Quran at Gool, protests were quite expected, but Indian forces fired upon peaceful protest and killed innocent people. Instead of punishing the culprits the puppet government aggravated the miseries of people by imposing the curfew and detained scores of youth.” “To divert the attention of the people from the Gool incident intelligence agencies instigated sectarian clashes in Budgam district. I am resident of Budgam and one of my friends informed me that it was actually the security forces in civvies that started the trouble from both sides. But people exhibited enough wisdom by upholding the communal harmony in the area. I appeal the people to keep the communal brotherhood away from the nefarious designs of various agencies.” The UJC chief said that New Delhi should know that people of Jammu and Kashmir have rejected the ‘occupation of India as they showed it on August 15 by observing it as a black day.’ “Even If India brings all its forces into the state the fact remains that the people will never accept India’s rule.” Blaming India for its anti Kashmir polices, he said, “Whenever peaceful public protests gained movement in the valley India with the help of the so called state government sabotaged it by using the force.” On communal clashes in Kishtwar Hizb chief said, “Right from 1947 India has tried to create communal violence with the help of their extremists and Saffron brigade. And this time they did it through the so called VDC members. Instead of punishing the culprits the state government crushed the Muslim community to remain in good books of Indian extremists. Until and unless VDC members are not disarmed there will always remain the threat of communal violence.” “New Delhi and its intelligence agencies are trying to divide the people by inciting communal clashes on the basis of sects and beliefs. UJC condemns their designs.” Expressing concern over the plight of Kashmiri detainees in various jails in and outside the state, Salahuddin accused the authorities of providing unhealthy, unhygienic and sub-standard food to the jailed leaders and activists to what he said harm their lives. “They are being deprived of medical aid and other basic amenities in jails.” He termed the repeated slapping of Public Safety Act against Masrat Alam Bhat, Mushtaq-ul-Islam and decision of life-long detention of Dr Qasim Faktoo as “atrocious” and claimed that people of Kashmir are not safe in India. The Hizb Chief lashed out at international community including United Nations and said, “Neither the international community nor the UNO are sincere towards the Kashmir issue. Both are busy to gaining their points. They talk only when something benefits them. Though human rights violations are on rise in Kashmir they watch only as mute spectators,” he claimed. He alleged that New Delhi was never sincere in dialogue on Kashmir. “History of last six decades is witness to it. India is neither sincere not serious. It has been gaining time and strengthening its military infrastructure in the territory under the cover of talks. Whenever Kashmir is on boil they start beat the drums of talks but as soon as situation gets apparently normal they again start behaving in the same way.” “If Indian and Pakistan do not take Kashmir issue seriously the present generation of Kashmir who has already taken the freedom struggle in their own hands will obviously feel that Jihad as the only way. After the recent gunfight in Tral police declared that the militants involved were well educated youth. This should be known that these youth had not come from this side but were trained in Kashmir.”
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 08:06:18 +0000

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