Hm.. it doesnt seems and feels so. Religion (belief system) is one - TopicsExpress


Hm.. it doesnt seems and feels so. Religion (belief system) is one of the oldest forms of natural human cooperation for better life survival since the dawn of the human tribes. Produced, maintain and continuing by human mind until now.. --- Human beings naturally want to believe that they are a part of something bigger, that life isn’t completely futile. Our minds crave purpose and explanation. “With education, exposure to science and critical thinking, people might stop trusting their intuitions,” Norenzayan says. “But the intuitions are there.” “SCIENCE IS COGNITIVELY UNNATURAL – IT’S DIFFICULT,” McCauley says. “RELIGION, ON THE OTHER HAND, IS MOSTLY SOMETHING WE DON’T EVEN HAVE TO LEARN BECAUSE WE ALREADY KNOW IT.” (check this: Why Religion Is Natural and Science Is Not — Robert McCauley - “There’s evidence that religious thought is the path of least resistance,” Barrett adds. “You’d have to fundamentally change something about our humanity to get rid of religion.” ... In a recent analysis of religious belief systems of nearly 600 traditional societies from around the world, Joseph Bulbulia at the University of Wellington, New Zealand and his colleagues found that THOSE PLACES WITH HARSHER WEATHER OR THAT ARE MORE PRONE TO NATURAL DISASTERS WERE MORE LIKELY TO DEVELOP MORALISING GODS. Why? Helpful neighbours could mean the difference between life and death. In this context, religion evolved as a valuable public utility. “When we see something so pervasive, something that emerges so quickly developmentally and remains persistent across cultures, then it makes sense that the leading explanation is that it served a cooperative function,” says Bulbulia. --- “People want to escape suffering, but if they can’t get out of it, they want to find meaning,” Norenzayan says. “For some reason, religion seems to give meaning to suffering – much more so than any secular ideal or belief that we know of.” “HUMANS NEED COMFORT IN THE FACE OF PAIN AND SUFFERING, AND MANY NEED TO THINK THAT THERE’S SOMETHING MORE AFTER THIS LIFE, THAT THEY’RE LOVED BY AN INVISIBLE BEING,” Zuckerman says. “THERE WILL ALWAYS BE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE, AND I WOULDN’T BE SURPRISED IF THEY REMAIN THE MAJORITY.” --- BBC - Future - Will religion ever disappear? -
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 01:26:31 +0000

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