Hmm, its super quiet. Mommy is coming to get me out of my crib. - TopicsExpress


Hmm, its super quiet. Mommy is coming to get me out of my crib. She says that today is just her and I with no doctors visits scheduled for anyone. All I have is therapy today with Miss Karen. I think Im going to like this :-) Daddy is getting ready to go to work but right now he is helping get me ready for my day. Miss Karen is here for me. Today we worked on sorting shapes and matching the shapes to where they belong on my toy. She also had a sheet for Mommy and Daddy to make me a communication board. Mommy says that it will help me tell her and Daddy what I want better. Daddy is giving me a hug and a kiss Pancakes for lunch? Yes please! This day is getting better by the minute since Mommy is letting me watch some Chuggington cartoons while I eat my pancakes. I could really get used to this as a daily routine. Mommy is saying that I have to get hooked back up on my feeding tube since that I can only be off for so long each day. (Side note from Mommy-Gabriel was weighed and measured yesterday. He is 28 pounds and 4 ounces which put him at the 34th percentile for weight and 34.25 inches height which has him at 17th percentile for height which made everyone happy!) Im hooked all up again and Mommy is working on some writing while I play with my toys. She says that this time her writing is going to help us have a lot of fun on Saturday. Rats! She wont even give me one clue about what well be doing all she says is that well have fun. Its time for my brothers and sister to come home from school. They all have homework to do so Mommy has them sit down at the table and she helps them with their homework. DADDY IS HOME! That means its supper time for us. Mommy is setting me in my high chair so I can have some of her famous 6 cheese macaroni. This time she added steamed broccoli for Daddy. Daddy is out the door again. Its Thursday so its off to his Lodge meeting. Mommy says Ill be sound asleep when he comes home. Well see about that Mommy ;-) Oh, I guess I wont be awake when Daddy gets home since she is getting all of us ready for bed. It was supposed to be the start of Spring Break for my brothers and sister but they missed too many days so they have school tomorrow :-( Good night and sweet dreams everyone. I am off to dreamland so I can be well rested for therapy tomorrow .
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 04:47:52 +0000

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