Hmmm... Apparently, love is on my mind tonight. So, thats what - TopicsExpress


Hmmm... Apparently, love is on my mind tonight. So, thats what Ill write about this time. However, Ive seen that some people do not care for the rantings of my imagination when my mind is troubled and over thinking everything. But, I cannot help that, because I need people in my life to just accept me. I cant be happy and write beautiful words and thoughts all the time. I should be able to write the darkness of my imagination as well as the beauty that normally spills onto my page. It is my imagination and how I see the world and people. Sometimes, I need to share things in my head to get them out of it. Tonight, my mind is pondering love. So, heres what Im thinking... Love, you are a beautiful and complicated mistress. You are my strength, and at the same time, you are my weakness. The emptiness of your absence in a day is pain in excess. Without your light, the oppressive darkness is merciless. If I dedicate my words and my voice, do I deserve any less? Can you not find a moment in the day to soothe my distress? Love, you are an intoxicating and irresistible temptress. You are my heartache, and at the same time, my happiness. Never let me go a day without feeling you stir in my chest. Without your light, I would soon be lost to the pull of darkness. Stay with me infinitely, Love, and forever beat in my breast. And, I will flourish in the light of your tender caress. Love, you are my undeniable need inexcelsis. And, I vow, forever will my heart be your fortress. See, thats kind of light and dark, but its how I feel about it tonight.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 08:09:04 +0000

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