Hmmmm-m-m... what would a authentic Democrat... not to be confused - TopicsExpress


Hmmmm-m-m... what would a authentic Democrat... not to be confused with the Dhimmitude brought on by the TelePromTer reading and ever the timid Dhimmicrat now golfing his way up the links, sand traps and all into 2016 (... is it a politically correct sin to say s-a-n-d t-r-a-p ?) Back to my original and not so rhetorical question: Harry S. Give em Hell Truman was a real Democrat. Imperial Japan didnt think we meant business with Little Boy coming down on Hiroshima. So a few days later, since there was no email... he lit up Nagasaki. Japan surrendered. What is my point. ISIS, IS, ISIL, the little mincing wordgames our Sissy in Chief plays with us needs to be given baptism by fire that Give em Hell Harry Truman would approve. And I do mean turn the Iraqi desert to molten glass wherever ISIS cockroaches are crawling. A simple ultimatum. You give back our Army Ranger living and breathing and healthy with his head on his shoulders NOW or you swim to those virgins in molten glass NOW. As in N-O-W. They would have listened to Harry. They would have listened to Ronald Reagan. Those were not sissy presidents. If only I was president... this is one of the best moments in 14 CENTURIES to rid the world of the kind of islamists that all the hand-wringing mouth-breathers claim do not represent their religion. But we have Obama. The Ebola Benghazi ISIS is the Nicest IRS Abusing Tyrant for a president. So, I guess it will get a helluva lot worse before it gets better.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 01:15:39 +0000

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