Hmmmmm So what to do? Well to the rich and powerful, you can take - TopicsExpress


Hmmmmm So what to do? Well to the rich and powerful, you can take advantage of disaster capitalism to make a few bucks. Want to make a ton of money by creating a global warming scam? Lets spray a few chemtrails, melt a bit of ice, take a picture of a cute polar bear surrounded by water, and WALLA! a global warming crisis that can be used to manipulate the public into accepting a carbon tax for breathing. Or how about creating storms that wipe out cities that can be rebuilt in a more pleasing manner for the rich and powerful? You could wipe out local farming communities by creating drought in certain areas, declare a particular fish, turtle or prairie chicken endangered, then take the farmers’ land and water in the name of ecology, and allow them to go bankrupt. The land could then be used for a more suitable purpose such as a wildlife preserve so that the rich and powerful can have a playground. The possibilities are endless, and the cost? Well, the American people can pay for it with their tax dollars. The ramifications? What are a few billion deaths from chemical poisoning, starvation, malnutrition, and disease? Why, a much needed benefit, of course. After all, according to the Georgia Guidestones , the population needs to be reduced to 500 million in order to maintain the earth in the manner that the rich and powerful New World Order mafia would like it to be. Someone nailed it when they said FOLLOW THE MONEY YOU WILL FIND THE CULPRITS GUILTY OF MASS MURDER IN THE 1ST DEGREE !!!!
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 05:05:59 +0000

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