Hmmmmmmmmm... Now this Duncan guy from Liberia goes to - TopicsExpress


Hmmmmmmmmm... Now this Duncan guy from Liberia goes to Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas suffering from a fever and abdominal pain.It was known that he recently traveled from Liberia.They prescribed some antibiotics and sent him on his way.Duncan returned to the hospital a couple of days later,was diagnosed with ebola, and has since succumbed to the disease. The hospital has since issued a written apology for being asleep at the wheel.Apology accepted. However, the cynic in me says: This guy had no insurance card to milk.Therefore there was no profit to be had in treating this fellow.Duncan was not a U.S.citizen so he wouldnt have qualified for the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, anyway.This incident simply sheds some light on the plight of individuals who have no health insurance.For just one moment imagine that EVERY U.S. citizen has a medical insurance card.Lets say that the card is uhmmmmmm gray in color. (Ive always liked gray) If someone gets sick and goes to the doctor their treatment is not based upon their ability nor their inability to pay. Patient A is treated the same as Patient B,So we would all be treated the same...right? (Theres no tipping of the maitre d because your money has just been rendered useless.) Now, if you have some money and you want some experimental treatment...great...more power to you and good luck.But Im talking about everybody receiving treatment that has nothing to do with MONEY. Now, is this concept socialized medicine? Like Medicare. If it that such a BAD thing? Does it matter what we call it? Or does it matter if it works? Hmmmmmmm.... Oh yeah... Have a great day. Mechelle and I got our flu shots last week.Did you?
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:32:31 +0000

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