Hmmnn --- almost looks as though Iran is pulling a Saudi on the - TopicsExpress


Hmmnn --- almost looks as though Iran is pulling a Saudi on the Saudis, and havent even bothered to change the name of the invasion force from ISIS --- or is someone playing a two-faced game --- hey this is the Middle East, and since ancient times, one has needed help to decipher the dreams and schemes --- just go ask Scheherazade This is from DebkaFile (reputedly the voice of Israeli Intelligence) --- the Saudis seem to be preparing for an ISIS invasion --- yep, this is a WTF --- you dont think the Saudis are gonna ditch the PetroDollar, do you? ****************** EXCERPTS DEBKAfile’s military sources disclose that Egypt is assembling an expeditionary commando force to fly to Saudi Arabia and bolster its border defenses. This flurry of Saudi-Egyptian military steps comes in the wake of intelligence gathered by Saudi reconnaissance planes showing Iraqi Al Qaeda-linked Sunni fighters (ISIS) heading for the Saudi border and aiming to seize control of the Iraqi-Saudi crossing at Ar Ar (pop: 200,000). US Secretary of State John Kerry said in Brussels Wednesday June 25, after two days of talks in Iraq, that the war in Iraq is being widened. He had good reason to sound worried. Shortly before he spoke, the first group of US military personnel, out of the 300 that President Obama had promised, had arrived in Baghdad. But neither Tehran nor Riyadh had consulted Washington before they organized heavy arms shipments to their respective allies in Iraq. The Iraqi battle arena is become a veritable Babel of war. So far, seven countries are involved in varying degrees: the US, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia. debka/article/24034/King-Abdullah-calls-up-Saudi-armed-forces-on-high-preparedness-Egyptian-troops-ready-to-fly-to-kingdom. ******************
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 17:15:35 +0000

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