Hockey is our national game and we were the undisputed kings for a - TopicsExpress


Hockey is our national game and we were the undisputed kings for a long time. However, now we are finding it difficult to qualify for Olympics and World cup. Our Hockey administration frequently hires and fire coaches for the reason best known to them. Average tenure of a coach is less than one year. In the recent years we are hiring foreign coaches by paying exorbitant salary and perks. What improvement they made to Indian hockey is there for all to see. If our team win a Gold medal in an International tournament, the prize money for the whole team will be less than that of monthly Salary of the coach i.e.; 75 Lacs. This is a great demotivation factor. I quote from my article “Inspite of having good coaches in the country, we engage foreign coaches who are themselves failures in their own country by paying fabulous fees, which is many times more than the fees paid to their Indian counterparts. Indian football reached its nadir during the stewardship of Rustom Akramov, a Russian coach. He committed the biggest blunder by asking Joe Paul Anchery to play in the defence. Anchery is a lethal striker and even now he has the temptation to overlap and assume the role of a forward. However, for us Indians, foreigner’s words are like priest’s sermons and we meekly accepted the blunder”. It is high time we should comprehensively review the desirability and utility of engaging foreign coaches. Instead, we should create world coaches by giving them proper training and international exposure. Or is it because slavery mentality is still in our veins?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:22:01 +0000

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