Hogwarts Quiz: You hear another student is spreading rumors about - TopicsExpress


Hogwarts Quiz: You hear another student is spreading rumors about you, you:Get more information, or confront them immediately, Do you follow instructions in potions class? Not really, Absolutely, Do teachers expect good work from you? Usually, my work tends to impress, Not really there is so much more to do. You hear that Hogwarts will be sieged in a few days, you immediately think...? Action, blood, and guts, or, planning and hard work? Whats your strategy for getting ahead in your career? You must take some risks, or slow and steady wins the race...? Do you put your family or career first? Should people be kind to one another? It doesnt matter, absolutely! A close friend hurts you emotionally, you, hold back and analyze, or express what you feel...? The rich must always take care of the poor? Not necessarily, or always, How do you comfort a friend who has recently been dumped? Remind them of the low points of there ex, or, cry with them? I will post your answers in the comments.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 00:46:32 +0000

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