¡Hola Mi Familia! First thing is I am sorry for not letting you - TopicsExpress


¡Hola Mi Familia! First thing is I am sorry for not letting you know about the change in email times but I didn´t know either so it was kind of fun to figure out I would be getting up at 6 in the morning just to read your emails. On the bright side, this is (hopefully) the one and only time I will have to do this.:) This next Monday I will also get like ten minutes to e-mail you because the next day I am headed for Uruguay!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. At this point me and my campañera are climbing the walls. As for what happened this week, we watched a devotional from December of Elder Cook and his wife. In it his wife tells this story about a little girl who was so excited to be the star in the Christmas pageant because she knew she was the main part. She got to show everyone else the way to Jesus, and about how our duties as missionaries is to do the same thing, show others to Jesus Christ. This means our smiles and actions can, when we are doing what we are supposed to, build someones faith, or when we do things that are against the rules, destroy someone´s faith. Elder Cook then talked about How the Lord is hastening his Work. In the first 175 yrs of the church there were 1 million missionaries, in the next 25 there will be a million more, and there are now 4-5 apostles each friday instead of the 1-2 before that assign about 300 missionaries each. He wanted to make sure though that we knew that the Lord had inspired them and that we, our missions, and those we are teaching will be blessed because we worked with a certain mission president, in a certain area, or with a certain group of people. There are things here that only I will be able to do, and it might be just a single person that the Lord wants to bring into the church. He emphasized the part about being sent to an area to work with a certain president though and said that most often the reason they feel inspired is because that president and missionary were supposed to work together so we should pay careful attention to the Mission President and his instructions. Elder Cook also talked about how the period of the church now is comparable to when the 112 section of D&C was written because that was the exact same day when the first missionaries taught their first sermon outside North America. Its message is to Preach the Lord´s Gospel just as was Christ´s exclusive message after he was risen. He then talked about how we need to be both humble and pure so we can receive the guidance of the spirit because this is a spiritual work.The Lord knows what he needs done but we can only do it if we are worthy and prepared to follow the spirit. The gospel of Christ is for everyone that will humble themselves, give up their sins, and enter into the waters of baptism. Also he said that with the numbers of missionaries going out into the field, our relationship with members is more important than ever before. Finally he told us that when writing PMG, President Hinckley said over and over again that if missionaries had more Faith they would have more success. Let everyone in the ward know I appreciate their prayers for me and my campañera. Sent with all of my love, Hermana Colwell
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:17:37 +0000

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