Hola everybody, Happy Thursday to ya. Morning devotion (Day 15 of - TopicsExpress


Hola everybody, Happy Thursday to ya. Morning devotion (Day 15 of Lent) A friend and I were talking and he was venting his frustration about his disconnection with his siblings. Not speaking for months on end and over the most insignificant, petty, childish things. I cannot fathom not having any other relations with my siblings than what we have. I adore my sisters and brothers. Nothing can occur so great, or anything in my life happen that can tear me from them. So in my reading this morning Philippians 2:3-4 of course read KJV but for the break it on down Message Bible says Dont push your way to the front; dont sweet talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Dont be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. So I encourage any and all that are in this situation to rectify it ASAP. Life is short, enjoy your family while you can. Is whatever you are not speaking about more important than losing the loved one?? To all my siblings (biological and I cant get rid of you if I tried) I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Have a blessed day
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:17:29 +0000

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