Hold thugs liable! - How is this possible in a Gangster-led State - TopicsExpress


Hold thugs liable! - How is this possible in a Gangster-led State led by arch criminal & gangster Zuma and his corrupt ANC? @ bdlive.co.za/opinion/letters/2014/07/11/letter-hold-thugs-liable ... The behaviour of members of Amcu and now Numsa is a disgrace and does nothing for SA and relationships in the workplace WE ALL accept the right to strike. However, the behaviour of members of the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union and now the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa is a disgrace and does nothing for South Africa and relationships in the workplace. Property has been damaged and, worst of all, people killed for not being union members and wanting to work (four people in the Wadeville area). The cynical response from union bosses is our members are angels and it is a criminal element. The state allows the hooliganism and violence, with police escorting strikers, and doing nothing to quell the stone-throwing and killing. Just as management is responsible for safety in the workplace, so union management should be held accountable for incidents during strike action. A factory is shut down for an in-depth inquiry should an injury or death occur and management is held accountable. Injury and death caused by union thugs have become part of the process and nobody cares or is held accountable. The state has an overwhelming mandate to maintain law and order, yet it is too timid to prosecute union bosses for culpable homicide when people are killed for wanting to work. A second change to the present system must be to have a secret ballot on whether to strike or not. Most union members that I have spoken to were not in favour of a strike. It was forced on them by thugs and they were frightened by threats of violence against their families and the burning of their homes. It is time to call it what it is — unacceptable. The government must apply the law and prosecute the offenders. ... and the Norwegian press is busy spreading malicious lies again: Fagforeningsleder drept i Sør-Afrika: En fagforeningsleder for gruvearbeidere i Sør-Afrika er drept etter å ha blitt nevnt i en etterforskning av drap på politimenn....... @ aftenposten.no/nyheter/uriks/Fagforeningsleder-drept-i-Sor-Afrika-7646632.html#xtor=RSS-3?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed Lederen for fagforeningen AMCU, Bongani Mehlonkomo, ble skutt på vei hjem fra jobb tirsdag, opplyser politiet. Drapet føyer seg inn i rekken av drap på medlemmer av fagforeningen AMCU og den rivaliserende fagforeningen NUM. I august 2012 ble ti personer drept i opptøyer mellom de to fagforeningene, under en streik ved en gruve til selskapet Lonmin ved Marikana. Politiet gikk til aksjon mot streiken og opptøyene, og over 40 personer ble drept. Også flere politimenn mistet livet. Drapet på Mehlonkomo skjer kort tid etter at navnet hans dukket opp i forbindelse med etterforskningen av opptøyene og drap på politimenn. Siden starten av etterforskningen har både medlemmer av AMCU og NUM, men også vitner, blitt drept.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 06:46:15 +0000

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