Holiday Training & Dieting! With my arrival back from Bali I - TopicsExpress


Holiday Training & Dieting! With my arrival back from Bali I wondered if any of you guys train on your holidays, and if so what you do? Or if you are unsure of what to do so you just skip out on it. I believe to maintain most of your fitness and physique whilst on holiday you can get away with doing half of what you normally do. Of course you will never be able to maintain all of your physique and fitness (depending on how long you are away for) whilst on holiday but if you give these tips a try you will be pleased to see the outcome when you arrive home. 1- Pack Protein Powder- If you want to be really OCD about it, you can bring some protein along with you on your travels. I myself did not bring any and was fine, but protein is relatively cheap, easy to store and hassle free. If you know you are going to train a lot, protein can help bump up your intake for recovery and also provide you with a appetite curver so you dont eat as much when you are out. I recommend only bringing some if you are gone more than a week. Keep in mind you can get protein from food. 2- Plan Workouts- If your hotel has a gym, why not use it? Its fairly easy to do. Training will not only help increase your energy expenditure to help balance out the Mie Goreng you ate with 5 Bintangs but it will help keep you fresh and wake you up from a hangover by sweating it all out. If you train a few times per week, most of your fitness and physique will be maintained so that when you come back home you wont feel stale. Actually planning a workout for certain days and saying you will go to the gym on x day will leave you 90% (I could be wrong, i forgot the statistic) more likely to complete the workout. Aim for at least 2-3x per week. 3- Be Active- Now this relates to the the above but I am also talking about a lot of walking and moving in general. Explore your destination, go walking around, visit tourist spots, book cycling or walking tours. Walk for Kilometers and take all the beauty of your holiday in and if you get lost, well theres always a taxi for the ride back. I did it, it is fun trust me :) Training in the morning and then walking during the day go hand in hand. This will bump your expenditure up that little bit more and keep you constantly burning calories. 4- Fasting- Intermittent fasting has probably been one of the best things I have discovered when it comes to my nutrition approach. IF can be a physique saver whilst on holiday, especially if youre known to eat big and indulge on food. I recommend doing a 14-16 hour fast daily, which means if your last meal is at 8pm, your next meal would then be at 10am or 12pm. It is not necessary but you may want to break this fast with a protein dense meal with some veggies and fruit. Getting a large portion of protein in this meal will leave you more satiated, closer to your protein requirements, and will allow you to indulge on a bigger more carbohydrate dense dinner considering you havent eaten much in the earlier part of the day. Now remember this is not an excuse to pig out, but a way to better maintain your weight.(I do believe in enjoying yourself on holiday though) Keep in mind nowadays most portion sizes are fit for 2-3 people instead of 1. However in my case in bali the meals where fit for half a person, goddamn tiny asians :P. If though you are somewhere like america :| I suggest focusing on protein being the main part of your dish and then enjoying all the tag along sauces and carbs that come along with it. Chances are, you will get a lot of carbs with the meal anyway, and you will probably feel better choosing a protein meal instead of a just a heavy, greasy, fatty carb dish. PRACTICAL APPROACH Below is how I went about my holiday in Bali. Shown is an example of a training day. The other days where pretty much the same, but no weight training and just a lot of walking or bike tour instead (I highly recommend doing the Bali Budaya Tour (BALI ECO) ) Just to note, if you want to be really anal or prefer fresher home cooked food, you can find a supermarket and buy some fruit, veggies and meat and cook some of your own meals throughout the holiday. Maybe 1 cooked meal per day but anymore and your getting too ocd. 7-8 a.m. – Wake up, get changed and head right downstairs to the gym. so convenient and easy :) right in the comments or inbox me if you would like to see a simple and easy sample routine I would follow. 8-9 a.m. – Walk upstairs to my room, shower and get ready for a good day ahead. Some days would occasionally have the buffet breakfast 1-2 p.m. – After a day of walking, shopping and exploring I would break my fast if not already eaten breakfast with a meal I fancied. Mie Goreng, steak, burger, etc Sometimes a few cocktails in the mix too :P. The meals werent huge and I only ate till I was satisfied. 5 p.m. – Come back to the hotel after some more wandering around and checking out some bars with a few drinks, maybe have a tasty snack if I got my hands on any. (For all of you that are going to bali in the future. You must try Roti O. A delicious sweet/savoury bread that has a slight coffee taste with creamy buttery filled centre. Deeeelicious) I would then sometimes get a massage (No happy ending) or take a nap typically around 1 hour. 6 p.m. –Have a shower and get ready whilst listening to some deep house beats. Watch a bit of tv in the hotel to kill some time and then taxi it to my destination. 8 p.m. – Meet family and friends for dinner (Which might I add went to some pretty expensive restaurants, spending $60-90 a head, not typical for bali. Some really good restaurants/bars to note are, Potato Head, Ku De Ta, Mera Putih (This one was awesome!) Metis, Saltys, La Plancha and my favourite for the beats Cocoon. Here I would have a few drinks and then typically call it a night at around 11pm to get ready for the next day. I only went out clubbing 4 nights which would be after the dinner and few drinks. I would either go back to the hotel to freshen up or head straight out. I visited La favela, Sky garden, Bounty and a couple of other small clubs, made some cool friends too :). Next time I go I would like to visit a few other places such as, SOS bar/club, Huu Bar, Alleycats and Eikon! 2-3 am. – Return home skull water and hit the most comfortablest bed I have ever slept in. For all those interested heading to bali, I recommend staying in Seminyak. I stayed In Legian at the magani hotel and whilst it was really nice it is a bit more quite (both the hotel and the location) although sky garden and bounty are close. This would probably be better for a chilled couple or someone that wants something a little more peaceful. Seminyak is where all the cool bars/restaurants are and where most things are. Then we have Kuta, go there if your an Aussie bogan! Damn i miss bali :( Anyway this is turning into a bit of a Bali TripAdvisor. The main thing to take home from this is that -It is possible to maintain your weight, strength and in some cases your fat loss diet but you will have to be mindful of food selection and have some sort of structure. -Maintain an exercise routine. Weight training, body weight stuff or cardio, whatever it may be just make sure you are doing something and moving around as much as possible. -Lastly, remember the reason you are traveling. If it’s for work, make sure your priorities and routine are kept. If it’s vacation, remember to enjoy the time you’re spending with friends and loved ones. The time and experiences you enjoy with family and friends is far more important then being ocd on holiday with a strict diet and exercise plan. There is plenty of time for that in the 11 months of the year you are in your own country. Happy holiday and safe travels.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 06:40:08 +0000

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