Hollywood is Bollockswood. Kurt Nimmo Infowars October 9, - TopicsExpress


Hollywood is Bollockswood. Kurt Nimmo Infowars October 9, 2013 Dreamworks – the entertainment corporation headed up by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen and owned by the richest man in India, Anil Ambani – has produced a billed thriller about Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Assange and Wikileaks claim the film is an attack by the establishment on alternative media. In January, Assange said during Sunshine Week, a national initiative by the American Society of News Editors warning against government secrecy, that the film is a “serious propaganda attack” on WikiLeaks. He portrayed it as a broadside aimed at the integrity of the staff of his organization and said the film is a “lie built upon a lie… fanning the flames for war on Iran.” On Wednesday, Wikileaks issued the following tweet: The tweet points to the following statement posted on the TwitLonger website: New Julian Assange statement on the Dreamwork’s ‘Fifth Estate’ Wed Oct 9 15:00:37 UTC 2013 Today, WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange issued a statement on ‘The Fifth Estate’ a Dreamworks movie about WikiLeaks set to open in the UK on Friday 11 Oct, and in the US on Friday 18 Oct. “People love the true WikiLeaks story: a small group of dedicated journalists and tech activists who take on corruption and state criminality against the odds. But this film isn’t about that. This is a film by the old media about the new media. Viewers are short-changed. Step one: write WikiLeaks staff out of the story. Where is our primary spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson, three time winner of journalist of the year, who we deployed to war-torn Iraq? Where is our courageous journalist Sarah Harrison who spent 39 days protecting Edward Snowden in a Moscow airport – and is now in effective exile from the UK? Step two: write the old media into the story. Instead of the exciting true story, we get a film about a bland German IT worker who wasn’t even there and a fabricated fight over redactions with the old newspapers and the State Department saving the day. The result is a geriatric snoozefest that only the US government could love.” —Julian Assange
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 20:35:11 +0000

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