Hollywood is having a tough year at the box office. A series of - TopicsExpress


Hollywood is having a tough year at the box office. A series of duds may force studios to take $1 billion in write offs for 2013. The red ink has been relentless, and there has been a lot of speculation over why the industry has seen so many flops this summer. The answer that everyone comes up with is this: Making better movies will produce better box office receipts. Unfortunately, that is more easily said than done. From what I’ve seen, Hollywood is more concerned about producing movies that fit a liberal agenda than ones that would appeal to a mass audience. One only need turn to The Lone Ranger, the summer’s most expensive movie, to see where studios have their priorities. Just in time for the Fourth of July, Hollywood took an old, patriotic radio and TV show classic and turned it into an anti-American, anti-business, and anti-gun rant. The original Lone Ranger, Clayton Moore, must be spinning in his grave to see the character he played now portrayed as a bumbling moron that wore a mask because of his shame for America’s evil deeds. Last week’s top release, Elysium had reviewers speculating over its leftist storyline. Variety said it’s one of the “more openly socialist political agendas of any Hollywood movie in memory, beating the drum loudly not just for universal healthcare, but for open borders, unconditional amnesty and the abolition of class distinctions as well.” Newsmax labeled it as Sci-Fi Socialism and “political propaganda.” Many of the movies aimed at children have environmental/conservation themes. It was a no-brainer that the Dr. Seuss’ anti-logging book, The Lorax, would be made into a big budget movie. When financial commentator, Lou Dobbs pointed out the obvious agenda of the movie, he was attacked by dozens of liberal sites. He was mocked for daring to claim that the movie was trying to in their words, “Brainwash children with liberal ideas.” That is exactly what Dr. Seuss (real name: Theodore Geisel) was trying to do. He was part of the doom and gloom movement of the seventies, where the Left falsely claimed that planet Earth was overpopulated and we were about to run out of oil and other natural resources. Even though Dr. Seuss had written 43 books, Hollywood chose to go with one that fit their political view. I guess his most controversial book The Butter Battle Book (1984), written, as a thinly veiled attack against Reagan’s alleged over-armament and saber rattling, will soon go into production. The ability to decide what types of movies are produced has given the left a very subtle method of controlling public opinion. One good example is the number of times there have been projects about the subject of, Watergate. Even though the scandal predates the birth of the average moviegoer, Hollywood keeps pumping out films on this subject. The obvious goal is to constantly reinforce the idea that Republican are crooks by nature. Despite that fact we have a Richard M. Nixon in the Whitehouse right now, the media would rather travel forty years in the past for material for that has already been covered from every conceivable angle. What makes it so easy for Hollywood lefties to preach their liberal agenda is that don’t actually have to follow their own message. In June, Jim Carrey, an outspoken advocate for gun control, posted a message on Twitter saying in the aftermath of Sandy Hook he cannot support his latest movie because of its level of violence. Carrey plays the gun toting, born-again vigilante Colonel Stars and Stripes, and has declined to take part in promotion for the film. A large part of Carrey’s film career has been based on him glorifying gun violence. Here is a YouTube video that points out some examples of his hypocrisy: youtube/watch?v=GQ-iSma8D-U I’ve been very frustrated with Republicans and their inability to understand how the left operates. Liberals may have finally overplayed their hand. A couple weeks ago, CNN and NBC said they are working on two separate films on the life of Hillary Clinton. Since she is the presumed front-runner for the 2016 presidential race, these projects would be a blatant attempt to manipulate the election. Republican National Committee Chairman, Reince Priebus, threatened to cutout CNN and NBC from the GOP presidential primary debates if the networks do not shelve their plans. NBC News political director Chuck Todd admitted the new NBC miniseries would be a “total nightmare” for integrality of the network’s news division. I doubt there is any chance that the Republicans will get five hours of free ad time. I expect this bias in the media to only get worse in the coming days. Because Satan is the true boss of Hollywood and TV Networks, the damnation of souls will always be the top priority. The Entertainment industry will most likely play a major row in end-time events. Just as Adolph Hitler used mass media to aid his rise to power, the magic makers in Hollywood will use their talents to assist the Antichrist in his rise to power. “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, emphasis added).
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 02:01:46 +0000

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