Hollywood needs to stop making movies about things that really - TopicsExpress


Hollywood needs to stop making movies about things that really happened. Our filmmakers have proven time and again that truth matters nothing to them if they can make it more dramatic by fictionalizing it. Examples: The truly execrable Remember the Titans, which totally trashed the true story of the 1971 T.C. Williams High School football team. Not only did they make Alexandria, Va., look like Mayberry, they turned a 27-0 win in the state championship game into a come-from-behind nail biter. In addition, they took integration that had occurred five years earlier and made it part of the story. Worst sports movie Ive ever seen. Spielbergs Lincoln, which had representatives from Connecticut voting against the 13th Amendment and abolishing slavery. Uh, Steve? Theres something called a historical record. And now Selma. This abomination has LBJ standing in opposition to Martin Luther King on voting rights for black people. Ask any civil rights leader still around and theyll tell you LBJ was 100 percent on the side of civil rights. So Hollywood, if this is the way youre going to do it, go away. washingtonpost/opinions/the-movie-selma-has-a-glaring-historical-inaccuracy/2014/12/26/70ad3ea2-8aa4-11e4-a085-34e9b9f09a58_story.html?tid=hybrid_1.1_default_strip_1
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 01:37:32 +0000

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