Hollywood’s Morning Report: Awwwww weekends! As another - TopicsExpress


Hollywood’s Morning Report: Awwwww weekends! As another one has ended, we start looking forward to the next weekend already and the week just started! LMBO Dreamers! It still amazes me how a couple of days in your life can be as twisty as a mountain road in Colorado. Hi’s always will have low’s like up’s always come with downs! Hollywood’s Halfway House was pretty quiet last night as I sat in my man cave watching football, eating bbq, drinking kool-aid with the dog at my feet thinking about the weekend and all that happened and how it ended. And yes, you read it correctly….Hollywood’s Halfway House is what I call it. Because here is where you can come while you are figuring out what you are going to do when you find yourself lost, homeless or in transition. After all, my house is big and I am single so until I’m not single……why not? Anywho, while I sat and watched football, the weekend went through my mind……. Thursday a friend who I have not seen for a couple of months, I got to meet for coffee and they tell me that I have a good heart and that they just don’t understand why I’m still single. That is the number 2 question I always get. Friday a friend tells me Thank You. For I opened my door and gave them a place to stay as they went through a transition stage in their life and for always being one of not many who have always been there with no judgment. Saturday a friend tells me I am a good Father. Not because of my children, but because my friend and a child of theirs had a disagreement and the child requested me to mediate. I talked with both separately and after a couple of days they again are happy. I have done that for many years for many friends as many of my friends are single Mother’s and kids do need a positive male role model to help with structure and direction. Now, I don’t care who you are……being told you are a good Father because of how you help someone with their child(ren) makes you feel all warm and tingly inside! Sunday in the rain, bad knee hurting and all, I helped a friend by moving a washer and dryer for them. (No not by myself of course I took help) And of course my luck, the pickup was from a 3rd floor apartment. Then on the way down (I’m on the bottom) the dang washer comes off this dolly and me and washer went into a wrestling match on the steps with about 10 feet of steps to go! That crap happened twice and HURT REEEAAALL BAD! Needless to say……right knee looks like a soccer ball this morning and it’s not happy with me at all today! But how many times have you needed someone to help you move and end up with nobody? Yea, exactly! As an Instructor I knew my role was to be on the streets to mentor new instructors and new Airmen and I accepted all the sacrifices I had to make to be good at what I did. Not everyone can be a MTI and love the job. As a Friend I know my role is to be there for my friends until they find their spouse and to help them take care of things when there is nobody else to turn to. Not everyone can be a bachelor and even less can be a Friend like me. And so I leave you, as your week starts, hopefully walking on clouds as much as I am this morning for I woke up and I know where I stand and what path I’m on! Did you have a good weekend? I did! I helped my friends as much as I could like I always do because that is what he built me to do and how my parents raised me. And if you say No, Did you wake up? Cause if you did wake up then you had a good weekend! Find out what you are good at and do it no matter what sacrifices you have to make. Finally, when you marry…….shouldn’t your spouse be your best friend? I’ve always thought so. MUCH LUV MY FRIENDS & FAMILY! Now……DANCE!!! It’s Country Week!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 09:57:37 +0000

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