Hollywood’s Morning Report: September 11, 2001……I was - TopicsExpress


Hollywood’s Morning Report: September 11, 2001……I was stationed in New Jersey at McGuire AFB. Just down the street from New York. The day was like any other day. I had already been accepted to come to Lackland to be an MTI and was 3 months away from leaving. I was working on a 6” valve that was the shut off for a fire hydrant. No big deal, the packing was leaking just a tad, I had hand dug the valve up the day before. I went back to the shop to get some water and some new packing. I walked into the back work area and saw that everyone in the shop was watching TV and it was very quiet! I gathered my stuff up, put it in the truck and then went back in to get water out of the fridge. No was moving, no one was talking. I looked at the TV and saw a plane flying into a building. Thought to myself…..”Really? We are supposed to be working and all of you are watching a movie! No wonder the job list for this shop is all F’ing long you bunch of lazy asses!” I grabbed my water, shook my head and walked out to my truck. I got in, stated it up, was putting my seat belt on, foot on break, shifting to drive……And all hell broke loose! Base siren went off, people were running out of their shops and jumping into cars, the radio started making that long annoying tone for the emergency broadcast test, people were yelling, cussing, running, shutting doors, windows, garage doors to shops and then there is me……WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! Well I put it back in park and went into the shop. I had all of my mobility bags packed, ready and in my locker at work. Pulled my A-bag out, checked my inventory check list that I had, went into the meeting area and began to make the sign in roster for the recall. There was nobody in the shop at this point but me. The civilians broke camp and were with the civilian boss, the military had all left to go and get their A-bags and I still had no idea what was going on. At this point I was thinking the base was pulling an exercise. I sat down in a chair, flack vest on, helmet pulled out, canteen filled and chemical bag at my feet. Cut the TV back on and thought the movie was still playing. Switched channels and that same “movie” was on every channel! And then I turned up the volume and was filled in that it wasn’t a movie and this was not a base exercise. There were many of us that day that was trying to be able to drive up to New York and help. I was denied but at the same time myself and three others from the plumbing shop were tasked to run water to a M*A*S*H quick made hospital the base erected in the football fields by the base gym to help with casualties since McGuire is so close to Ground Zero. Now that I sit back and think about it…..It is weird knowing that I was so close, sad that I couldn’t go help but thankful that I was able to help where I was. Some parts of my life path I will just always remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when it happened, and this is one. I leave you today with this: Today I will remember those who got up on this day and went to work like any other day not knowing that the actions of some cowards would prevent them come home to those they love. I will also remember those who go towards what everyone else is running from. Those who are in fact true Heroes! You know who you are because Lord knows you don’t do it for the money! TODAY I WILL PAUSE FOR ALL OF YOU! PAST & PRESENT and all that you have Sacrificed…….Much love people!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:34:28 +0000

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